- Studies on Social Justice Problem of Unprivileged Groups in China 我国弱势群体社会公平问题探析
- social justice problems 社会公平问题
- It is a study of social justice. 这是针对社会公正问题进行的一项研究。
- He was imbued with a desire for social justice. 他满怀着寻求社会正义的愿望。
- Howard Scroll: The Social Justice Law Review. 社会公正法律评论,霍华德大学主办。
- Free markets and social justice II. 自由市场与社会正义2。
- The first objective to come under the concerted attack of the social justice forces was to old problem of child labor. 社会正义力量协同斗争的第一个目标,是童工这个老问题。
- Social justice is the keystoneof their political program. 社会公平是他们政治纲领的基本。
- Social justice must always enlighten one' s conscience. 社会司法必须总能启发人们的良心。
- Social justice is the keystone of their political program. 社会公平是他们政治纲领的基本原则。
- To promote social justice with lesbian and gay people. 与同志一起促进社会公义。
- "The Boondocks" often deals with issues of race and social justice. “森林地带”经常处理一些种族和社会公平的案例。
- UK student campaigning organisation on environmental and social justice issues. 关注环境和社会公正问题的英国学生运动。
- For universal social justice, we need to use an ethic that applies universally. 为了社会公平,我们需要使用一种可以普遍适用的道德规范。
- Social security is the adjustor and lubrication materializing social justice. 社会保障正是实现社会公平的一种调节器、润滑剂。
- Government has an irreplaceable responsibility in enhancing the social justice. 政府在维护社会公正方面有着不可替代的责任。
- The social justice movement was the first largescale attempt to palliate the grosser aspects of American life. 社会正义运动是第一次大规模的减少美国生活阴暗面的尝试。
- Jobbery crime is an extreme form of social corruption which has destoried the political probity and social justice. 职务犯罪是社会腐败的一种极端形式,它腐蚀政治清明,破坏经济发展,损害社会正义。
- Progressives and champions of social justice in the North at first paid scant attention to the Niagara rebels. 北方进步派和争取社会正义的战士最初对尼亚加拉造反者不太注意。
- Democracy has proved that social justice can be achieved through peaceful change. 民主政治证明,通过和平变革可以建立社会公正。