- An atmosphere of social harmony. 礼貌社会和谐的气氛
- The action of social division to social harmonious is always interested by thinkers. 摘要社会分工在实现社会和谐中的作用一直为思想家所关注。
- ABSTRACT: The research on interurban economics should be paid great attention to in the course of urban economic and social harmonious development in China. 摘要:摘要在我国城市经济社会协调发展进程中,应当重视对市际经济学的研究。
- To set up and improve the just allotting system becomes the core requests in further adjustment in benefits configuration while promoting the social harmonious development. 建立和完善具有公正性的利益分配调节机制,成为进一步调整利益结构和促进社会和谐发展的核心要求。
- At present, each clansmen of China people just at for carry out a nation rich and strong, the race develop, the social harmonious, people's happiness but incorporation struggle. 当前,中国各族人民正在为实现国家富强、民族振兴、社会和谐、人民幸福而团结奋斗。
- One of the obstaches to social harmony is privilege. 导致社会不协调的障碍之 一是特权.
- One of the obstacles to social harmony is privilege. 导致社会不协调的障碍 之一是特权.
- Government and citizens harmony is a barometer of social harmony. 摘要政民和谐是社会和谐的晴雨表。
- Nowadays non-point source pollution controll and protection of agricultural eco-environment is becoming a crucial problem of regional agricultural and social harmonious development. 摘要农业生态环境面源污染控制与保护已成为区域农业和社会协调发展的重大问题。
- Construct the socialism harmonious society diligently, we need to strengthen the moral capital construction. 努力构建社会主义和谐社会,需要加强道德资本建设。
- The national relationship is the important society relationship which influences a social development, and the important topic which sets up Socialism harmonious society. 摘要民族关系是影响社会发展的重要社会关系,是构建社会主义和谐社会的重大课题。
- To sum up, I think the education is very important, so is the social harmony. 题目不是要论证社会和谐重不重要。
- Simultaneously we must earnestly face these conflicts to promote the socialism harmonious society. 同时必须认真面对这些冲突,才能促进社会主义和谐社会的构建。
- Social harmony must depend on the common prosperity at all levels of society. 摘要社会的和谐必须有赖于社会各阶层的共同富裕。
- Building socialism harmonious society is an important mission that the whole party and all the people face. 构建社会主义和谐社会是摆在全党全国人民面前的一项重大任务。
- Thus will cause the socialism harmonious society the great objective soon to realize. 从而使社会主义和谐社会的伟大目标早日实现。
- Protecting the rights of itinerant population is a necessity for the establishment of a socialism harmonious society. 摘要流动人口权益保障是构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求。
- The second is harmonious society, it has the main function that promote progress in the social harmoniousness. 三是反对贫富过于悬殊的社会正义的义蕴,在义与利的问题上有着实现“共同富裕”理想的思想文化价值。
- Socialism harmonious society is not a supernormal steadiness and invariable society but it is a stable, reformatory and developmental society. 社会主义和谐社会不是一个静止不变的社会,而是一个既稳定,又改革和发展的社会。
- Racial harmony should encompass three main factors: mutual respect, social harmony and good public security. 种族和睦应该拥有三要素:相互尊重、社会生活协调、良好的社会治安环境。