- But there were many, who declassed by hard social conditions never worked, and lived by their wits. 但也有许多人为困难的社会条件所排挤,从不工作,靠骗人为生。
- But there were many who declassed by hard social conditions never worked, and live by their wits. 但是也有许多人为困难的社会条件所逼迫,从不工作,靠骗人为生。
- The jurist entirely lost sight of the personal conditions of the accused, and the social conditions of the community. 法官完全忽略了被告人的具体情况和其社区的社会环境。
- Sometimes social conditions spawn great numbers of communal groups. 有时,社会状况酿成了一批共同群体。
- This represents different values and different social conditions. 我们认为,这里也有不同观念、不同社会条件的问题。
- These social conditions invisibly raised the status of women. 这种社会条件,无形中提升了女性的地位。
- Worsening social conditions approximated to those of the early thirties. 日益恶化的社会状况已接近30年代初的情况。
- Changing social conditions, however, are bringing changes in custom and law. 不过,社会的变化正在带来习俗和法律的变化。
- They are endeavoring to reproduce the social conditions of prewar days. 他们正竭力再现战前的社会情况。
- The changing social conditions were ever producing new differentiations of views and aspirations within the church. 不断变通的社会情况使教会内的各种见解和希望不断地产生新的分化现象。
- Marxism simply points out that the individual role is, in the final analysis, dependent upon given social conditions. 马克思主义只是指出,个人的作用归根结底是以一定的社会条件为转移的。
- Marxism simply points out that the individual role is,in the final analysis,dependent upon given social conditions. 马克思主义只是指出,个人的作用归根结底是以一定的社会条件为转移的。
- His mind had travelled into a remote speculation of social conditions of the future. 他的思想萦回在未来社会的远景上。
- The Socialistic bourgeois want all the advantages of modern social conditions without the struggles and dangers necessarily resulting therefrom. 社会主义的资产者愿意要现代社会的生存条件,但是不要由这些条件必然产生的斗争和危险。
- His mind had traveled into a remote speculation of social conditions of the future. 他的思想萦回在未来社会的远景上。
- The social conditions also provided relatively broad libera environment for the integration and collision of different ideas. 目前日本正在经历自明治维新以来的第三次大转折,当代以经济发展为主要的文化特征也继续而深刻地影响着日本。
- They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. 他们公开宣布:他们的目的只有用暴力推翻全部现存的社会制度才能达到。
- The dissertation is divided into two parts: Social Conditions and Human Situations. 论文分两部分:社会环境和人的处境。
- Their social condition therefore determines their morale in fighting. 他们的这种社会存在决定他们作战的士气。
- In contact with German social conditions,this French literature lost all its immediate practical significance,and assumed a purely literary aspect. 在德国的条件下,法国的文献完全失去了直接实践的意义,而只具有纯粹文献的形式。它必然表现为关于真正的社会、关于实现人的本质的无谓思辨。