- State Action and Social Capital Formation 国家行为与社会资本建构
- social capital formation 社会资本的形成
- Is social capital a delicious meal or a hot potato? 社会资本是“美味佳肴”还是“烫手的山芋”?
- You know how to use your social capital. 妳知道怎么利用妳的社会资本。
- Is capital formation the key to economic development? 资本形成是经济发展的关键吗?
- It is true that capital formation is a tender plant. 确实,资本形成犹如一棵娇嫩的植物。
- Social capital: Popular Fanatic or Basic Conception? 社会资本:流行的狂热抑或基本的概念?
- Governance of crisis, in nature, is the crisis of social capital. 治理危机就其本质而言,是社会资本的危机。
- The promotion of social capital, must be premised on good governance. 社会资本的增进,必须以良好治理为前提。
- At present, Hong Kong is the most important capital formation centre for Mainland enterprises. 目前,香港是内地企业最重要的集资中心。
- At present,Hong Kong is the most important capital formation centre for Mainland enterprises. 目前,香港是内地企业最重要的集资中心。
- Domestic asset formation; domestic capital formation Gross fixed capital formation plus increase in stocks. 国内资产形成;国内资本形成指固定资本形成总值加库存的增加量。
- There is an obsessive, dollhouse pleasure in configuring and looking at it, a constant measure of social capital. 陆慧明,王军,王勤伯三位百万博客记者应该也是如此想法吧。
- This explains why gross domestic capital formation on the Mainland has been growing so rapidly. 这正好解释了为何内地资本形成的速度会这样快。
- The gross value of investment in construction activities accounted for 43% of total fixed capital formation in 2003. 2003年建造工程投资总值占固定资本形成总额43%25。
- Capital formation can lead to more output, providing a surplus for further increases in output. 资本形成导致更多的产出,这为进一步增产提供了盈余。
- Despite their size, small NGOs play critical role in building social capital and mobilizing community support. 事实上,这些小机构在建立社会资本和动员社区支持方面,一直担当重要角色。
- Another issue where intertemporal tradeoffs are of central importance concerns the desirable rate of capital formation. 跨期权衡领域的另一个重要问题关注的是资本构成的合意尺度。
- Social capital, Karl Polanyi, and American social and institutional economics; Michael C.Carroll et al. 社会资本,卡尔·博兰尼与美国社会和制度经济学。
- Paper presented at the international Seminar on human Capital formation and SEMs in the information society, JAPAN. 载于2002海峡两岸高职(技职)教育学术研讨会论文集,页360-371。