- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- soak oneself in the history 专心研究历史
- We had to write three essays in the history exam. 我们考历史要写三篇短文。
- One can see oneself in the mirror. 人照镜子可以看见自己。
- That is a situation unprecedented in the history of the school. 这是该校有史以来未曾出现过的情况。
- That playwright have a high place in the history of American literature. 那位剧作家在美国文学史上占有重要地位。
- One isn't quite oneself in the early morning. 一个人在清早时状态不太佳。
- It was a new era in the history of our country. 这是我国历史上的一个新纪元。
- She has earned her place in the history books. 她名垂青史。
- There are so many great inventors in the history. 历史上有许多了不起的发明者。
- Displays the next topic in the history list. 显示历史记录列表中的下一个主题。
- It is recorded in the history of Rome. 这件事被记载于罗马历史。
- The sun porch is an ideal place to indulge oneself in the sunlight. 日光浴室是一个享受阳光的理想场所。
- Paper-cut is a disseminator in the history. 它是跨越历史的沟通!
- It postpones having to prove oneself in the bigger, bullying arena. 这样就可以暂时不用进入社会这个更大更残酷的竞技场了。
- The history of public education in the United States dates from the society of the early pioneers. 美国的公共教育史起源于早期拓荒者的社会。
- So I told my tale with the facts and figures I knew, the dates, and the changes in the history of the firm. 这样,我用所了解的确切情况,如公司历史中的某些日期和变化,谈了我的看法。
- soak oneself in history 攻读历史
- One simply finds oneself in the dream-unless it is a day-dream! 一个人可以简单地认为梦想能实现自我,除非那是白日梦。
- We have to write three essay in the history exam. 我们考历史要写三篇短文。