- You wish hide in a group of so called friends," Chi He Wan Luo". 混迹于所谓的朋友群中,吃喝玩乐。
- This is so called Artificial Intelligence (AI). 这就是所谓的人工智能。
- This is the so called formalism. 此之谓形式主义。
- This so called bargain is just a con! 这种所谓的大减价不过是个骗局!
- It's an ironic twist of the so called brain-drain. 这是人才外流的一个讽刺性转变。
- It's probably due to the so called EI Nino effect. 大概是所谓的厄尔尼诺现象吧。
- They fear losing face so called. 他们害怕所谓的丢脸。
- My friends say that I can also call friends to chat on line. 有朋友说,网上也可以呼叫网友来聊天。
- This is so called Artificial Intelligence(AI). 这就是所谓的人工智能。
- In every theme there is so called "action week". 因为有每个主题,所以叫做“行动周”。
- B. Is it so called "Over the hill"? 这是不是叫做过了高峰(走下坡了)?
- So called because it causes suffocation in mines. 因其在矿井中导致窒息而得名
- What in the f**ked so called Zhang's head is SHIT. 那个姓张的脑子里面是大粪。
- Does this name the misshapen beauty so called? 莫非这就是所谓残缺的美?
- There is no so called "recipe for success". 所谓“成功的诀窍”是不存在的。
- In a princedom by the so called baidutieba. 在摆渡贴吧一片王子的领地。
- So call it curved straight world. 就叫它做弯直世界。
- Mob flight is a major concern because fleeing mobs may call friends to come help them with the fight. 怪物逃跑是一个需要重视的事情,因为逃跑的怪物可能会叫来它的同伴帮忙。
- They both themselves have called friends,and allowed other likewise to call them in the same manner; using the word which is received between private men. 呼之为友,并使旁人亦以君王之友人称之者;君臣之间所用的这种称谓就和普遍私人之间所用的一样。
- The government's analysis spells out so called digital divide. 政府的分析清楚地表明了所谓的数字化引起的分化。