- snow water of Qilian Mountains 祁连山冰川融水
- Med and the Caspian sea and the Black sea and the Aral sea are the headstream of water vapor of Qilian mountain,but it is different in every season. 地中海、黑海、里海、咸海、阿拉伯海和孟加拉湾是祁连山的水汽输送源地,但各个季节又有所不同。
- According to the survey, the vertical distribution character of vegetation on the north slope of the east part of Qilian Mountains was studied. 摘要根据调查,对祁连山东部北坡的植被垂直分布特征进行了分析研究。
- There are 4 genera and 12 species in hilly area of Qilian Mountains, 11 species of palaearctic region, 1 species are widespread species. 祁连山地虻科4属12种,其中古北界成分11种,广布种成分1种。
- The main reason of constitute of shrubbery and its distribution of Qilian Mountain is environmental change. 以气候为主的环境条件变化是祁连山区灌木林的种类组成和分布地域改变的主要原因。
- Measurements of species diversity of plant communities along both DCCA axis 1 and an altitudinal gradient in the northern slopes of Qilian mountains was carried out. 利用DCCA排序和海拔高程排序相结合的方法 ,对祁连山北坡中段植物群落物种多样性垂直分布格局进行了初步研究。
- A Record of Drought and Flood Series by Tree-Ring Data in the Middle Section of Qilian Mountain Since 904 A.D. 祁连山中部公元904年以来树木年轮记录的旱涝变化。
- Its three predominance are unique custom of Yugu nationality,ravishing scene of Qilian mountain and fine art of grotto. 肃南是全国唯一的裕固族自治县,独具特色的裕固风情,引人入胜的祁连风光,精妙绝伦的石窟艺术是其发展旅游的三大优势。
- The average soil surface albedo was about 0.23 in Haibei alpine meadow area of Qilian mountain druing whole plant growing period. 就整个植物生长期内来看,祁连山海北高寒草甸地区地表反射率平均约为0.;23。
- According to the distribution, the protective measures are put forward, provided the scientific approvement for the protection and use of the north-slope vegetation on the east part of Qilian Mountains. 根据其分布,提出了保护措施,为祁连山东部北坡植被保护和利用提供科学依据。
- southern foot of Qilian mountains 祁连山南麓
- The trees were mirrored in the still water of the lake. 静静的湖水映出岸上的树木。
- the eastern part of Qilian mountains 祁连山东部
- northern slope of Qilian Mountains 祁连山北坡
- They fell into the seething waters of the rapids. 他们跌进了汹涌的急流中。
- I saw a fish break the water of the pond. 我看到一条鱼跳出池塘水面。
- The still water of the lake mirrored the hillside . 平静的湖水映出山坡。
- We can see a magical view over the calm water of the bay from our window. 从我们的窗户里可以看到海湾里平静海水的迷人景色。
- Middle section of Qilian Mountain 祁连山中段
- The sun's heat vaporizes the water of the ocean. 太阳的热将海水蒸发。