- Snow shovel can be used for avalanche rescue, emergency shelter and tent site. 雪铲可以用在雪崩营救、紧急避难和搭建帐篷中。
- After snow shoveling for a couple of hours, I felt some uneasiness/stiffness there. 铲雪几个小时下来,我感到那个部位有点拘束或僵硬。
- Examples of common devices that are poorly designed ergonomically include the snow shovel and the computer or typewriter keyboard. 人体工学上设计不良的常用工具有雪铲、计算机或打字机的键盘。
- That's almost the distance from a snow shovel in Calgary to a palm tree in California. 这是近的距离雪铲在卡尔加里到棕榈树在加利福尼亚州。
- Snow shovelling (first time in my life). 平生第一次铲雪。
- Let's get out our bathing suits and suntan oil and put away our snow shovels. 快拿出咱们的游泳衣和防晒油,把铲雪的铁锹扔在一旁,
- I was tired after shoveling snow all day. 铲了一天的雪我很累了。
- New snow shovels need to be bought; snow blowers, the winter cousins of lawn mowers, must be checked out. 还需要买新的宽宽的雪铲;作为锄草机冬季同族的吹雪机,也必须检查停当。
- We had record snow falls this year, and my arms are just too tired from all the snow shovelling!! 我们至少可以安慰自己,我们很尊重女性,而且希望可以天长地久,所以并不希望像富商那样照顾别人,让女生倚赖,令她们变得拜金。
- It didn't take them long to shovel a path through the snow. 他们没有花很多时间就在雪地里铲出一条路来。
- Shovel the snow away from the steps. 铲除台阶上的雪。
- By summer's end the result is firn -- a compacted snow with the appearance of wet sugar, but with a hardness that makes it resistant to all but the most dedicated snow shovelers! 很多真菌还可以做成美味佳肴...但也有一些种类危害人类健康或给人类带来各种经济损失。
- They were shoveling food into their mouths. 他们正大口大口地往嘴里塞食物。
- He trudge three hour in the snow to get back home. 他在雪中跋涉三个钟点才回到家。
- He only put a bit on his plate to make fashion. 他只是拨了一点食物到盘子里做做样子。
- He put a shovel of coal on to the fire. 他往火炉里加了一铲煤。
- They were shoveling coal into a cart. 他们在把煤铲进手推车。
- Snow scattered unequally over the mountainside. 雪不均匀地散落在山腰上。
- The number shall be cut in on a plate. 号码将雕刻在一块金属板上。
- I hid the broken plate behind the table. 我把打碎的盘子藏在餐桌后面了。