- It's his job to sniff out abuses of power. 他的职责就是查究滥用权力的行为。
- It's their job to sniff out abuses of power. 他们的工作是对滥用职权的情况进行调查了解。
- sniff out danger 嗅出了危险
- It is his job to sniff out abuses of power. 他的职责就是查究滥用权力的行为。
- Why do people willingly seek out danger? 人们为什么乐于寻求危险呢?
- The dogs are trained to sniff out drugs. 这些狗是经过训练的嗅毒犬。
- They train dogs to sniff out drugs. 他们训练狗嗅出毒品。
- He sniffed out the danger three days ago. 3天前他就觉得察出有危险。
- They are training these dogs to sniff out drugs. 他们训练狗嗅出毒品来。
- We can each sniff out a perp, like a hot fart. 我们都知道现在说的都是放屁。
- The dogs are specially trained to sniff out drugs. 这些犬只被特训来搜寻毒品。
- The plant has recalled lids which leached out dangerous chemicals. 那家工厂回收了浸滤危险化学物质的盖子。
- This is of advertisers, will sniff out any value? 这对广告主而言,会嗅出什么价值呢?
- We can each sniff out a perp,like a hot fart. 我们都知道现在说的都是放屁。sniff out=发现;
- Elephants can literally smell danger, according to a recent study that shows the animals can sniff out whether humans are friends or foes. 大象的确可以嗅出危险,根据一项最近的研究显示,大象能够闻得出来人是友是敌。
- B: I bet my broker could sniff out some good ones for you. 我相信我的股票经纪人会帮你找出一些好股票。
- The police were determined to sniff out the ringleaders. 警方决心要找到匪首。
- Gustavo : Those red beams can't sniff out the high-quality fakes. 小古:那些红光没办法侦测出制作精良的伪钞。
- I bet my broker could sniff out some good ones for you. 我相信我的股票经纪人会帮你找出一些好股票。
- Knock that nail in, it's sticking out dangerously. 把那钉子敲进去,它伸出来很危险。