- Sheep indignantly said that, Why do you want to sneak attack me! 羊仔气愤地说:你为什麽想偷袭我呀!
- Examples: Sneak Attack, Smite, Commander Effects that add to damage. 例子:偷袭、重斩、指挥官效应会增加伤害。
- Affected by the bad weather, our army has lost the best chance to have a sneak attack on the enemy. 受恶劣的天气的影响,我军痛失了偷袭敌人的最佳战机。
- You can sneak attack with a Melf's acid arrow spell, but not with a magic missile spell. 你可以利用法术“马友夫强酸箭”进行偷袭,但“魔法飞弹”就不行。
- Anytime an ironclad mauler is hit by a critical hit or a sneak attack,it has a 25% chance to resist the extra damage. 其他的生物,包括其他的装甲暴(泰提)熊都不能穿戴这个装甲暴(泰提)熊的装甲。
- These two fight ba encounters the match sneak attack, if is not firm counter-attacks, really possibly lets the houseboy prevail. 这两战浐灞均遭遇对手偷袭,若不坚决回击,真可能让竖子得逞。
- The British had attempted to end the siege with a sneak attack on Pontiac's encampment, but their plan was betrayed to the rebel leader. 英国试图结束与一次偷袭的围困对比德的扎营,但是他们的计划被背叛了对叛逆领袖。
- The soulknife can make a sneak attack with a thrown mind-blade (within 30 feet) and can use the blade in conjunction with other special abilities (such as imbedding a power in it). 魂刃者可以用投掷念刃的方法偷袭(30呎以内),念刃上也可附带有其他特殊效果(比如埋入异能)。
- I "sneak attacked" him for the stone, but I failed. He looked at me with canniness. 看,他左手里攥着两块石头呢!把石头拿了一路,回家洗手的时候才抢下来。
- Use this to get units across the map quicker than normal to set up ambushes and sneak attacks, or to get units out of harms way quickly. 运用这个特点可以让单位比平时更快的穿越地图来伏击或偷袭对手,或者可以让单位更快的逃离危险区。
- The open space also works toward your advantage when making flanking and sneak attacks as well, especially with the Mastermind. 开阔空间对于您实施侧翼攻击和偷袭也是非常有利得,特别是使用摄魂师。
- Light Fortification(Ex):An ironclad mauler`s grafted armor protects its vital areas and sneak attacks it resistant to extra damage from critical hits and sneak attacks. 移植护甲:装甲暴(泰提)熊身上的装甲是用魔法的力量和他结合在一起的,并在战斗中给他提供保护,和一般的铠甲不同,这个铠甲没有最大的敏捷加值限制,没有装备减值和法术失败率。
- A successful sneak attack with a weaponlike spell inflicts extra damage according to the attacker's sneak attack ability, and the extra damage dealt is the same type as the spell deals. 使用类武器法术进行的一次成功的偷袭能够按照攻击者的偷袭能力造成额外伤害,额外伤害类型与法术的伤害类型相同。
- Sneak Attack Defense Coordinator 防偷袭协调官
- How did he find a way to sneak out of the house? 他是怎么设法从房子里溜出来的?
- Since that time her most conspicuous virtues had been a sense of humour and an iron good health that the sneak attacks of adversity would never defeat over the course of her long life. 此后她最显著的长处就是她的幽默感和钢铁般的身体,任何灾难的突袭在她漫长的一生中都击不倒她。
- He stole the money and sneak out of the house. 他偷了钱後从房子里溜了出去。
- The article is a savage attack on her past action. 那篇文章对她过去的行为进行了恶毒的攻击。
- After a sneak preview of the film they decided to shelve it. 该影片在试映后,他们决定把它搁置起来。
- One squadron peeled off to attack enemy bombers. 一中队战机脱离编队攻击敌轰炸机群。