- The smooth muscles, the glands and the mucosa of the intestines trophy and the walls become almost paper-thin. 平滑肌,各种腺体,萎缩了的肠粘膜(吸收细胞层)和肠壁都变得几乎和纸一样薄了。
- Has bronchial smooth muscles relaxation, antitussive, expectoant and antiasthmatic activities, with very low toxicity. 药理作用可松驰气管平滑肌和镇咳、祛痰、平喘作用,毒性很低。
- The inner longitudinal and outer circular smooth muscles formed the tunica muscularis. 峡部只有初级皱褶,无次级皱褶和三级皱褶。
- Human Dermal Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells! 人真皮血管平滑肌细胞!
- The tunica muscularis were composed mainly of smooth muscles which were the thickest in the isthmus. 肌层主要由环形肌组成,从漏斗部向后,肌层逐渐增厚,峡部达到最厚。
- Isolated blood ring assays were used to study the changes of dopamine receptors in rat aorta vascular smooth muscles after oral L dopa. 采用离体血管环的方法对长期服用非亚型特异性拟多巴胺类药物左旋多巴后大鼠主动脉平滑肌中多巴胺受体两亚型(DA1,DA2)的变化进行了观察。
- Purpose To investigate the influence of superoxide dismutase (SOD) on the ultrastructure of vascular smooth muscles of severed rat limbs. 目的研究超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)对离体肢体血管平滑肌超微结构的保护作用。
- Objective: To study the effects of the Gushenzhilou Capsules (GC) on the contractile function of uterine smooth muscles,and uncover the mechanism of treating metrorrhagia. 目的:观察固肾止漏胶囊含药血清对大鼠子宫平滑肌收缩功能的影响。
- Relieving or preventing spasms, especially of smooth muscle. 减轻痉挛的,防止痉挛的减轻或防止痉挛的,尤指平滑肌的
- Bundles of smooth muscle are interlacing in the tumor mass. 在瘤组织内平滑肌束是间隔分布的。
- Secretin was without effect on gastric smooth muscle activity. 而促胰液素对各部位肌条的收缩活动无明显的影响。
- Vasodilatory agents relax vascular smooth muscle, thereby reducing SVR. 血管扩张剂能松弛血管平滑肌,因此降低全身血管阻力。
- Crataegus fruit demonstrates inhibition effect on hyperactive smooth muscles in rabbit duodenums while it slightly increases the contraction of relaxed smooth muscles in rat stomachs. 山楂对活动亢进的兔十二指肠平滑肌呈抑制作用,而对松弛的大鼠胃平滑肌有轻度的增加收缩作用。
- The reticulated vessel which has large cavity has thicker wall due to more elastic fibers and more smooth muscles and its endothelium is cuboidal epithelium which has rotundity karyons. 管腔大者,管壁厚,弹性纤维、平滑肌纤维多,内膜靠腔面内皮细胞多成立方状,细胞核端位近圆形;
- With functional experiments in vitro, we observed PD_2 & PA_2 values of atropine & Ach, for longitudinal and circular smooth muscles in gastric fundus, body & antrum of guinea-pig. 采用离体功能实验,测定豚鼠胃底、体、窦部纵、环平滑肌由乙酰胆碱和阿托品引起的PD_2及PA_2。
- In the latter, in addition to the above symptoms, there are dyspnea and wheezing, indicating that the spasm of the smooth muscles of bronchi and bronchioli is an important pathogenetic factor. 前者以咳嗽;咳痰为主要表现;后者还加上喘息症状;并常闻及哮鸣音;提示支气管和细支气管平滑肌痉挛是发病主因.;慢性支气管炎是由于支气管感染;物理和化学因素刺激或过敏所致的慢性支气管炎症
- A nonaddictive opium derivative, C20H21NO4, used medicinally to relieve spasms of smooth muscle. 罂粟碱由苄基异喹啉衍生的一种结晶生物碱,C20H21NO4,医药上用作解痉剂
- Bethanrchol is still used as a stimulant of the smooth muscle of the gastrointestinal tract and, particularly, the urinary bladder. 氨甲酰甲胆碱仍用作胃肠道平滑肌的兴奋剂,特别是用作膀胱平滑肌的兴奋剂。
- AIM To investigate the effect of senna extract on contraction of colonic smooth muscle cells of guinea pig. 目的研究番泻叶提取物对游离的豚鼠结肠平滑肌细胞收缩的影响.