- The paper introduced the excavation features,blasting method and parameters,construction technology and organization of the shallow borehole smooth blasting technology in clay and rock roadway. 介绍了浅孔光爆技术在黏土岩中的掘进特点、爆破方法及参数、施工工艺及组织。
- shallow smooth blasting technology 浅孔光爆技术
- Successful application of the deep-hole millisecond blasting with double-bench smooth blasting is a development to deep-hole blasting technologies for open pits. 双台阶光爆的深孔微差爆破的成功应用,是露天深孔爆破技术的一项发展。
- Analysis of Smooth Blasting Technology for Air-deck Charge 空气间隔装药光面爆破技术探讨
- Smooth Blasting Technology for Bedding Road Cut with Reserved Protective Layer 顺层路堑边坡预留保护层光面爆破技术
- Application of Smooth Blasting Technology in Excavating the Diversion Tunnel of a Certain Hydroelectric Station 光面爆破技术在某水电站引水隧洞开挖中的应用
- Adopting the rhombus cut and the mid- deep - hole smooth blasting technology to realize fast heading in rock drift 采用直眼菱形掏糟中深孔爆破技术实现岩巷快速掘进
- Shallow borehole smooth blasting technology applied to construction of mine clay and rock roadway 浅孔光爆技术在黏土岩巷道施工中的应用
- Directional break blasting technology applied to improve quality of smooth blasting 应用定向断裂爆破技术提高光面爆破质量
- Improvement of Smooth Blasting Technology for the Excavation of Large Underground Chamber 大型地下硐室施工中光面爆破技术的改进
- Application of protective covering smooth blasting technology in plinth excavation on left bank of Yinzidu Hydropower Station 保护层光面爆破在引子渡水电站左岸趾板开挖中的应用
- smooth blasting technology 光面爆破技术
- The sympathetic detonation of charges and air separated charging were adopted in the smooth blasting to simplify the charging technology and sho. 同时,在用边孔的先面爆破中,利用炸药的殉爆,采用空气间隔装药,缩短了装药时间,简化了装药工序。
- When implementing the smooth blasting in small-sectional roadway excavation under complex geologic conditions,the blasting parameters and the implementation technology have a certain particularity. 在复杂地质条件小断面巷道掘进中实施光面爆破,其爆破参数和施工工艺有一定的特殊性。
- Research on Optimizing Smooth Blasting Schemes of the Tunnel Based on Grey Situation Method. 基于灰局势方法的巷道光爆方案优选研究。
- The method is an experience summary of author who applies a plastic nonel tube initiation system to smooth blasting. 该方法是作者将塑料导爆管起爆系统应用于光爆作业中的一些经验总结。
- The stonework blasting of this contract uses construction program that combine blasting deep hole and smooth blasting. 本合同段石方爆破采用深孔控制爆破和光面爆破相结合的施工方案。
- The paper introduced the parameter optimization and construction method of smooth blasting of horse-head ingate. 文中详述了马头门光面爆破参数的优化及施工方法。
- According to experience of stonework excavation, we plan to adopt a in-the-hole drill to have deep hole controlled blasting technology. 根据石方开挖施工经验,计划采用潜孔钻机布孔进行深孔控制爆破技术施工。
- For meeting requirements of the spillway excavation progress and the atone grading, a reasonable blasting technology is a key factor. 为既能满足溢洪道开挖进度的要求,又能使爆破出的石渣符合大坝填筑石料级配的要求,采取合理的爆破技术是关键。