- The poor boy smelled the delicious odour of cooked meat. 这可怜的孩子闻到了香喷喷的肉味。
- I smell the delicious aroma of a mushroom and papaya pizza baking in the oven. 我闻到了在烤箱里蘑菇和蕃木瓜烘烤时发出的喷香的味道。
- the delicious odour of freshly-made coffee 新煮的咖啡的香味
- The delicious smell tantalised us. 香味逗引我们。
- The delicious smell tantalized us. 香味逗引我们。
- Can you smell the perfume of the roses? 你能闻到玫瑰花的香味吗?
- The pampered palace dogs smelled the delicious leather scent and came down into the compound.They chewed off and devoured the soft wet chariot straps. 皇宫里饮食奢侈的狗闻到皮带发出的美味,下到了庭院里,咬断并吞吃了湿软的皮带。
- I can smell the fragrance of flowers after showers. 我可以闻到雨后鲜花的清香。
- Do you smell the reek of stale tobacco? 你闻到发霉烟草的臭味了吗?
- I like the delicious salad of crisp lettuce and tomatos. 我喜欢这种脆莴苣和番茄做的沙拉,很好吃。
- Lead the way with the police dog; he'll soon smell the fellow out. 带着警犬领路吧,它马上会把好家伙的行踪嗅出来。
- They battened on the delicious dinner. 他们大吃美餐。
- The delicious smell from the kitchen make our mouth water. 我们闻到厨房里的香味直流口水。
- The delicious smell of chicken soup is till the room. 室内充满鸡汤的香味。
- The hound will soon smell the criminal out. 警犬会很快嗅到罪犯的踪迹。
- Thank you very much indeed for the delicious meal. 非常感谢这顿盛餐。
- Smell the meat to see if it was fresh. 闻闻那块肉,看新鲜不新鲜。
- I smell the fog that hung about the place. 我现在还能嗅到那天四处迷漫的雾气。
- The delicious smell from the kitchen made our mouths water. 我们闻到厨房里的香味直流囗水。
- The camels smell the water a mile off. 骆驼在一里之外就可嗅出有水。