- small tank furnace 小型池窑
- A raised tank or hopper that maintains a constant pressure or supply to a system, especially the small tank that supplies water to a central heating system. 蓄水塔一个处于高处的用以维持某系统的稳压或供给状况的水箱或漏斗,尤指将水供给中央供暖系统的小水箱
- Synchronized shaobing varieties increased, but in suburban rural areas still place shaobing tank furnace. 烧饼增多了品种花样,但在郊县农村缸炉烧饼仍占一席之地。
- Increase of efficiency of regenerator can powerfullly decrease energy consumption of tank furnace. 提高蓄热室效能是降低池窑能耗的有力措施。
- On the lawn of the airport, a red “small tank” shuttling on the miniature rail was especially eye-catching. 机场草坪,一条小铁轨上来回穿梭的一辆红色“小坦克”格外惹眼。
- This essay introduces mainly about the warming up process and treatment on oil burning U shaped flame 45m 2 glass tank furnace. :本文主要介绍了 4 5m2 燃油马蹄焰玻璃窑炉的烤窑的全过程及问题的处理
- Some new types of ceramic frit tank furnace are introduced and the developing directions of ceramic frit tank furnace are discussed in this paper. 本章介绍了几种新型的陶瓷溶块池炉,并分析探讨了陶瓷熔块池炉的发展方向。
- Measurements show that the total explosion energy of RDX Charge measured in the small tank is about 95% of explosion heat. 研究结果表明:小水池测量的黑索金药包爆炸总能量为其爆热的95%25以上。
- As for the maize flour, it takes place in a hydrator. This is a small tank in which falling maize flour is mixed with water. 对于玉米粉,在水化器中与水混合。在这个小罐中将下落的玉米粉与水混合。
- The results of mathematical simulation for sunken tank structure were introduced after reviewing the raise of "Deep Refiner" type of glass tank furnace. 摘要回顾了深澄清型池窑的提出,介绍了对深澄清型池窑结构进行数值模拟研究的结果。
- A raised tank or hopper that maintains a constant pressure or supply to a system,especially the small tank that supplies water to a central heating system. 蓄水塔一个处于高处的用以维持某系统的稳压或供给状况的水箱或漏斗,尤指将水供给中央供暖系统的小水箱。
- This paper researched the corrosion features of the fused zirconia corundum blocks which fixed in the tank wall,port mouth,throat,dog house of glass tank furnace. 对玻璃池窑池壁、小炉口、流液洞、加料口等处的电熔锆刚玉砖侵蚀特征进行了研究。
- Rolex capitalized on the event by using it in advertisements, and by building displays in jewelers' windows that featured a watch submerged in a small tank of water. 劳力士借机用它一旦广告由陈列大楼、兴隆'窗口;观看演出的小缸水淹没.
- Comparing with small tank, the sloshing in large tank includes not only fundamental mode but also higher modes and its fundamental period is much larger than that of small tank. 从与小体积罐的比较可以看出,大型储液罐的液面晃动不只是以基本振型为主,前几阶振型对液面晃动的贡献也比较显著,并且液面晃动的基本周期比小体积罐的大很多。
- Microstructural changes of a fusion cast Al2O3-ZrO2-SiO2 (AZS) block taken from the side wall of a glass tank furnace were studied by scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. 借助扫描电镜、能谱仪和X射线衍射研究了玻璃熔窑池壁用熔铸Al2O3?ZrO2?SiO2(AZS)大砖蚀变后残砖的显微结构变化。 在玻璃液?
- The selection of insulating material and determination of the structure and thickness of insulating layer on insulated tank furnace were expounded. The concept of insulating engineering was focused. 摘要阐明了池窑保温时保温材料的选择,保温层结构的选定和保温层厚度的确定。还强调了保温工程的概念。
- The Luftwaffe rebuilt UE tractors into genuine small tanks used for securing its airfields and bases. 德国空军把分配给他们的雷诺UE牵引车改造成了真正的小坦克,用来保卫机场。
- Care should be taken to ensure that the requirements for a frangible roof-to-shell attachment are met, particularly on a smaller tank. 应注意以确保满足顶-壳弱连接的要求,尤其是小型罐。
- Application of Electrode in Glass Tank Furnace 玻璃窑内的电极应用
- Hot Repear for Crown of Brown Glass Tank Furnace 棕色料窑炉大碹热修补