- small spiny West Indian tree. 西印度群岛的一种带刺小乔木。
- West Indian tree; source of bay rum. 西印度群岛的一种树,;是桂油香水的来源。
- West Indian tree bearing edible mangolike fruit. 西印度树种,果实可食,类似于芒果。
- West Indian tree yielding a fine grade of green ebony. 产于西印度群岛的一种树,生长一种纹理细密的绿乌木。
- West Indian tree yielding la hard dark born wood resembling mahogany in texture and value. 西印度一种树,有硬的暗的原木,在纹理和价值上类似桃花心木。
- West Indian tree having racemes of fragrant white flowers and yielding a durable timber and resinous juice. 西印度群岛的一种树,有开芳香白花的总状花序,产一种经久耐用木材和含树脂的汁液。
- A West Indian tree(Mammea americana) having glossy leaves,white fragrant flowers,and large edible drupes. 曼密苹果树一种产于西印度群岛的乔木(曼密苹果),长有有光泽的叶片,开白色的有香味的花朵并结硕大可食用的果实
- A West Indian tree(Mammea americana)having glossy leaves,white fragrant flowers,and large edible drupes. 曼密苹果树一种产于西印度群岛的乔木(曼密苹果),长有有光泽的叶片,开白色的有香味的花朵并结硕大可食用的果实
- A West Indian tree(Mammea americana) having glossy leaves, white fragrant flowers, and large edible drupes. 曼密苹果树一种产于西印度群岛的乔木(曼密苹果),长有有光泽的叶片,开白色的有香味的花朵并结硕大可食用的果实
- small genus of deciduous West Indian trees or shrubs: carib wood. 每年落叶的在西部印度乔木或灌木的小属;加勒比树木。
- West Indian woody scrambler with spiny stems and numerous fragrant white flowers in panicles followed by small yellow to orange fruits. 西印度群岛木质爬行植物,有带刺的茎干和带香味的白色花组成的圆锥花序,结黄色至橘红色的果实。
- aromatic West Indian tree that produces allspice berries. 芳香的西印度的树,可产出多香果浆果。
- West Indian tree yielding a fine grade of green ebony 产于西印度群岛的一种树,生长一种纹理细密的绿乌木
- West Indian timber tree having very hard wood. 西印度群岛的一种木材,木质非常硬。
- West Indian shrub or small tree having leathery saponaceous leaves and extremely hard wood. 西印度灌木或小树,有坚韧的圆滑的叶子和特别硬的木头。
- Small spiny evergreen shrub of western United States and Mexico with minute flowers and bright red berries. 美国西部和墨西哥一种具有细微花朵和明亮的红色浆果的带刺常绿灌木。
- Any of numerous usually small spiny - finned fishes of the family Gobiidae, having the pelvic fins united to form a suction disk. ?虎鱼?虎鱼科的一种通常小的带棘鳍的鱼,具有聚合成吸盘的腹鳍
- East Indian tree having a useful dark purple wood. 东印度一种有用的深紫色树。
- West Indian evergreen with medium to long leaves. 西印第安常绿罗汉松,中型到长形树叶。
- British West Indian Airways Ltd. 英国西印度航空(运输有限)公司