- small retail items 小日用品
- I own a small retail clothes store. 我有一家小的服装零售商店。
- Blister pack:(1) Packaging method for small retail goods, toys, etc. (1)成形包装,()珠胶:()来包装琐细零售物品和玩具等的方法。
- Because of the high cost of such labels, they're mostly used for retail items vulnerable to pilfering, expensive luxury goods, and high-security products like pharmaceuticals. 由于成本高,例如标签,他们主要用于零售物品容易偷窃,昂贵的奢侈品,以及高安全性产品,如药品。
- A small retail shop that specializes in gifts,fashionable clothes,accessories,or food,for example. 小商店一种小零售店,专卖礼品、时装、配件或食品
- This boutique is a small retail shop that specializes in gifts, fashionable clothes, accessories or food. boutique是小型精品店或时装店,属于第二类专卖店。例如:这个精品店是一个小零售店,专卖礼品、时装、配件或食品。
- A small retail shop that specializes in gifts, fashionable clothes, accessories, or food, for example. 小商店一种小零售店,专卖礼品、时装、配件或食品。
- In small retail stores or repair shops, jewelers may be involved in all aspects of the work. 在小型的零售商店以及维修店,珠宝专业人员可能要介入工作的各个方面。
- Clearly, there are many jobs, especially in small retail businesses, which are marginal. 确切地说,还是有很多工作机会的,特别是在少量小型零售企业。
- Here one can find both traditional Chinese herbal stores and fresh food markets as well as small retail and service businesses. 在中国城里您可以找到传统的中药店和新鲜市
- The payment system processes the larger transactions between banks arising from the money and capital markets. It also handles smaller retail payment items, such as cheque and autopay transactions. 支付系统除了处理银行之间数目较大的货币及资本市场交易外,亦处理如支票及自动转帐交易等较小额的零售支付项目。
- Besides being used in paying transportation fee, such micro transactions and clearing system is also being applied in small retail payments. 这个微型交易及结算系统除缴付交通费外,还用于小额零售付款。
- The owner of a small retail store may do all the purchasing, or one employee may devote part of his or her time to purchasing. 小型零售企业的所有者就可能负责全部的采购业务,或者指定一位职工专门或协助办理采购业务。
- Those tie-ins from the small retailers are always poor quality. 这些小商贩搭卖的东西往往有质量问题。
- Jewelers usually specialize in one or more of these areas and may work for large jewelry-manufacturing firms, for small retail jewelry shops, or as owners of their own businesses. 宝石行业人员通常专精于这些领域的一个或多个方面的工作,既可以为大型的珠宝制造公司工作,也可以在小型零售商店或者独立经营自己的业务。
- A separate organization with a single owner. They tend to be small retail establishments and individual professional business such as those of dentists, physicians, and attorneys. 个人独资企业:独立的、有一个所有者的企业。个人独资企业倾向于小规模的零售业和自由职业者,例如那些牙医、师、及律师。
- All department stores and smaller retail shops provide either cash slips or receipts upon purchase. 在新加坡,所有的商店包括小型商店都能提供购物收据。
- Blister pack: (1) Packaging method for small retail goods, toys, etc. A pre-shaped hollow case of clear plastic is heat sealed to enclose goods onto a backing board which have been printed and coated with blister pack solution. (1)成形包装,(2)气珠胶:(1)用来包装琐细零售物品和玩具等的方法。把物品放在一个定形透明胶壳内,用热力把它封贴在一片印好和涂上压索油的纸板上。
- In order to get Thai middlemen to carry Foremost's dairy products, the company used leasing and conditional sales contracts to provide small retail outlets and restaurants with freezers for $1 if contract terms were met. 为了使泰国的中间商销售其乳制品,Foremost公司运用租赁和有条件销售合同以一美元的价格向那些零售小商店和饭店提供冰柜,条件是要满足合同条款。
- Cash register machine software for small retail businesses and shops. Can manage numerous counters using a web based network architecture. Based on Open Source softwares (Apache, PHP, PostgreSQL). 给小型零售事业或商店使用的收银机软体,透过网页式的架构可以同时给很多柜台使用。