- small minds discuss people. 心胸狭小的人道人长短。
- Small minds are the first to condemn great ideas. 渺小的思想总是先攻击伟大的思想。
- Only somebody with a small mind will have refuse to help. 只有心胸狭窄的人才不肯帮助别人。
- Only somebody with a small mind would have refused to help. 只有心胸狭窄的人才不肯帮助别人.
- These chapters discuss people who made their living as dance musicians during the late 1940s and I found it difficult to connect with just because of the time frame. 这两章探讨1940年代以舞蹈谋生的艺人但是我发现因为时间框架的关系我很难读懂。
- Teacher to our concern, be like kindly influence of teacher and similar, moisten our young and small mind! 老师对我们的关怀,就像春风化雨一样,滋润着我们幼小的心灵!
- Customary use of artifice is the sign of a small mind, and it almost always happens that he who uses it to cover one spot uncovers himself in another. 没有人能让社会服从个人的意志。倘若他想寻求符合心意的社会,也必须服务于它。--爱默生
- Lin Zhi: See, this is why you have such a small mind, Joe. All you think about is football and stuff that's affecting your own life. 林芝:看吧,这就是为什么你会如此的“见不多,识不广”。乔,你脑子里想的全是足球,这影响了你的生活。
- It's a tight squeeze to get five people in that small car. 五个人坐在那个小车子里真是太挤了。
- That such choice can empower a web designer is unquestionable: the true challenge lies in the way we bring ourselves to "lose small mind" and think outside the grid. 这使得网页设计人员更加确信:在我们面前真正的挑战是我们能否“开阔自己的思维”跳出表格的约束来思考。
- In American entertainment, many of the so-called big names are, in reality, the small minds of the XYZ generations who believe their good causes will benefit human rights around the world. 在美国娱乐行业,许多所谓的知名人士其实是,头脑不灵光的XYZ一代,他们相信他们美好的愿望会帮助世界的人权。
- By giving us a taste of the kinship between our own small minds and the great Mind of the Cosmos, beauty reassures us that we are exactly and wonderfully made for life on this glorious planet, in this magnificent universe. 美在人类渺小的心灵和宇宙伟大的精魂之间,化身为一座沟通的桥梁,并以此让我们不再怀疑:在这片恢宏的宇宙中,在这颗璀璨的星球上,人类的存在实为天工之作,神明之意。
- The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds. 胸怀大志的男人和女人,可能会被心胸最狭隘的小人击倒。但还是要胸怀大志。
- Two small boats ferry people back and forth. 两只小船往返为人摆渡。
- He was a man with a small mind. 他是一个心胸狭窄的人。
- And now he wanna pop you? And they say gang bangers is petty and small minded! Hey, what's that bleeping sound? 那他现在要找你麻烦?(笑声)而且他们还说黑帮都是小心眼的!嘿,那哔哔声是怎么回事?
- People always gossip a lot in a small village like this. 在这样的小村子里人们总是相互说长道短。
- He regarded those who lived according to the rules as inauthentic, as mere followers and small minded. 他把那些根据规则而活的人视为不真实的人,只是盲从者,缺乏雄心大志。
- Continuing, the Master said: "Keshab is free from the pride of a small minded religious teacher. 师父继续说:“柯沙布从狭隘思想的宗教老师的骄傲中解放了出来。
- A small mind is a tidy mind. 小的心灵为精简的心灵。