- small end bushing 小头衬套
- connecting rod small end bush 连杆小端瓦
- San Zhan Zi Wu Chui in Yongchun Bai He Quan, uses the mallet with large head and small end. “永春白鹤拳”的三战子午槌后面大、槌头大、槌尾小。
- At the small end of the scale,there will be displays on handheld devices,pagers and appliances. 往小里说,手持式装置、BP机和其它器材上也会有显示器。
- At the small end of the scale, there will be displays on handheld devices, pagers and appliances. 往小里说,手持式装置、BP机和其它器材上也会有显示器。
- Beyond the distant right bank, the contour of the small end of a sprawling town gradually came into sight . 从遥远的、江流的右岸的尖端,缓缓地爬过来了一条大城市的尾巴的轮廓。
- A conically shaped utensil having a narrow tube at the small end,used to channel the flow of substances into a container with a small mouth. 一种在细的一端有窄管的锥形器皿,用来通过小口把流质分到容器里。
- For the gear and pinion, the bending stress increase steadily along the gear alignment line, and reaches the maximum on the small end. 对于凸、凹齿轮,齿根应力沿齿向从大端到小端逐渐增大,小端齿根应力最大。
- Resembling a leg of mutton in shape; tapering sharply from one large end to a point or smaller end, as a sleeve or sail. 羊腿形的,一头宽一头窄的在形状上与羊腿相似的; 由粗大的一端向另一点或较小的一端突然变细的,如衣袖或船帆
- Filet mignon comes from the small end of the tenderloin (called the short loin), and it is considered the king of steaks because of its tender, melt-in-the-mouth texture. 舒展特爱动,家里篮球好几个不够他玩,穿着开裆裤在地上爬行追赶篮球。我给他买了一本学习英文26个字母的书,书中有很多动物图片,有一张是猫头鹰很逼真浑身毛绒绒的,他每次都翻到那一页,小手使劲拽猫头鹰身上的毛。
- This paper describes the structure and forming method of the pipe blank, structure of die, process flow, once-forming method of big end and small end of the reducer and integral once-forming method. 文章介绍了该新工艺管坯的结构型式及成型方法、模具的结构、工艺流程、大端和小端分别一次成型方法、一次整体成型方法。
- Comparative analysis of the fatigue safety co雈fici雗t in critical areas of the small end and deformation of big end is carried out after the output of the diesel engine is increased. 对该柴油机提升功率前后连杆小头危险部位的疲劳安全系数和大头变形进行了对比分析。
- Resembling a leg of mutton in shape; tapering sharply from one large end to a point or smaller end,as a sleeve or sail. 羊腿形的,一头宽一头窄的在形状上与羊腿相似的,由粗大的一端向另一点或较小的一端突然变细的,如衣袖或船帆。
- Here's why: diagonal checks form a pyramid effect, with the smallest end pointing to the waist. 为什么呢?因为斜的格子形成了一座金字塔效果,腰部最细。这对想要给人产生一种细腰错觉的妇女来说,是极其有利的。
- The ball connected with the smaller end of the bat and grounded toward second base. 球撞到了球棒的细端,然后向二垒滚去。
- "But I would be a little nervous about this merger if I were a vendor focused on the smaller end of the market. 但是如果我是关注于小型市场终端的厂商,我就会有点担心这一合并。
- I saw the small girl topple over and hit her head. 我看见那小女孩栽了一跤,碰着了头。
- A small adjustment will equalize the temperature in the two rooms. 稍作些调节就会使两间房内的温度相等。
- It's a tight squeeze to get five people in that small car. 五个人坐在那个小车子里真是太挤了。
- He goes out to the smallest end of the bough, where it would bend with his weight, and gently lets himself down by it, sliding down the bough. 他爬到树枝最细的地方,那地方只要给他的体重一压,就会垂下来,然后轻轻地从树枝下滑下来。