- Goliath has reduced chance of taking an engine critical from small arms fire. 歌莉娅遥控炸弹被轻武器击中引擎的几率下降。
- Outlaw 2-5: Command,I have a visual on crach site.I see small arm fire coming from cockpit.Request permission to initiate serch and rescue,over. 指挥。我已看到坠机点,驾驶舱内有轻武器在射击。请求展开搜索和救援行动。
- Outlaw 2-5:Command,I have a visual on crach site.I see small arm fire coming from cockpit.Request permission to initiate serch and rescue,over. 指挥。我已看到坠机点,驾驶舱内有轻武器在射击。请求展开搜索和救援行动。
- small arms firing 枪械射击
- A loophole through which small arms may be fired. 环孔可以进行轻武器射击的孔
- Small arms are often carried by the soldiers. 士兵常携带小型兵器。
- a volley of small arms fire 轻武器的齐射
- The technique of using small arms. 应用小武器的技术
- Small Arms Fire 轻武器火力
- A rapid,concentrated discharge of missiles,as from small arms. 齐射式的攻击一阵急促的、目的集中的弹火,如轻武器的火力
- Baghdad trains Palestine Liberation Front members in small arms and explosives. 巴格达在小武器和爆炸物方面训练巴勒斯坦解放阵线。
- A rapid, concentrated discharge of missiles, as from small arms. 齐射式的攻击一阵急促的、目的集中的弹火,如轻武器的火力
- We received some small arms and mortar fire during the breach, but didn't have any damage other than bullet pock marks in the paint, etc. 突破期间我们遭受到了一些轻武器和迫击炮的射击,但除了在油漆上打出了一些麻点之外没有受到任何其它的伤害。
- It is well known, Vicent was superior many year old foreign-made small arms. 众所周知,维森特是中超多年的老洋枪了。
- A surprise attack by a small armed force. 突然袭击,奇袭:由小股部队进行的急袭。
- Fallujah - Iraqi insurgents fire a mortar and small arms during the U.S.-led offensive against insurgents in the city. (Photo by Bilal Hussein, November 8, 2004. 伊拉克反美武在美军队该费卢杰发动进攻时,用迫击炮和轻型武器还击。(比拉.;哈森,2004年11月8日拍摄
- A small arm off of a larger body of water (often between rocky headlands). 离开较大水体的一个小的臂状水湾,通常位于多岩石的地岬之间。
- A small hole or slit in a wall, especially one through which small arms may be fired. 枪眼墙上的小洞或小缝,尤指通过其可以进行小武器射击的
- A small hole or slit in a wall,especially one through which small arms may be fired. 枪眼墙上的小洞或小缝,尤指通过其可以进行小武器射击的
- The cannon-shot was followed, after a considerable interval, by a volley of small arms. 炮声过后很长一段时间,又响起了一阵枪声。