- To omit or slur over(a syllable, for example)in pronunciation. 省略在发音时省略或忽略(例如,一个音节)
- To omit or slur over(a syllable,for example)in pronunciation. 省略在发音时省略或忽略(例如,一个音节)
- To omit or slur over(a syllable, for example) in pronunciation. 省略在发音时省略或忽略(例如,一个音节)
- To omit or slur over (a syllable, for example) in pronunciation. 省略:在发音时省略或忽略(例如,一个音节)
- She slurred over the high cost of her plan. 她避而不提她这一计画费用之巨。
- The chairman slurred over the problem at the meeting. 会议主席在会上对这个问题一带而过。
- The distinction probably has been slurred over. 这种区别大概就要被忽视了。
- He slurred over the details to head off disagreement. 为防止意见的分歧,他略过细节。
- The general slurred over his contribution to the campaign. 将军没提到他对这次战役所做的贡献。
- He slurred over her faults and spoke chiefly of her merits. 他轻描淡写地说了说她的缺点,然后主要谈她的优点。
- One statement will emphasize what another slurs over. 一种说法可以强调另一种说法所忽略的方面。
- to slur over somebody's contributions 贬低某人的功绩
- He slurred over the dead woman's faults and spoke chiefly of her virtues. 他对死者的过失轻轻带过,主要讲述她的美德。
- The spokesman slurred over the matter without giving a straight answer. 发言人对这件事不置可否,含糊其词。
- He slurred over the dead man's faults and spoke chiefly of his virtues. 他匆匆略过死者的过失而大部分说及他的美德。
- Every difficulty slurred over will be a gost to disturb your repose later on. 草率地处理问题,事后必成为妨碍睡眠的幽灵。
- Every difficulty slurred over will be a ghost to disturb your repose later on. 每一个被忽视的困难将来会变成妨害睡眠的幽灵。
- He tried to varnish over the truth with a lie. 他试图用谎言来掩盖真相。
- I've got the hump over what he said to me. 我已经对他所说的很不耐烦了。
- A curved line indicating such a phrase; a slur. 连线表示这个乐句的弧线; 连线