- slow speed fluctuation 慢速波动
- The tortoise crept along at an agonizingly slow speed. 乌龟以极其缓慢的速度爬行着。
- The tortoise crept along at a very slow speed. 乌龟以极慢的速度向前爬。
- The tortoise crept along at agonizingly slow speed. 乌龟以极以缓慢的速度爬行着。
- So we could only run by at a slow speed. 所以我们职能以缓慢的速度前进。
- Slow speed is the chief drawback of sea shipment. 海运最大的缺点是速度慢。
- Mix with dough hook at slow speed for 1 minute. 调到中档,继续搅拌直到面团形成。
- Very slow speed The door was locked, so we couldn't get in. 门锁上了,所以我们不能进去。
- The tortoise crept along at an agonizing slow speed. 乌龟以极其缓慢的速度向前爬着。
- To run at a slow speed or out of gear. Used of a motor vehicle. (机器)空转缓慢地转动或不转动。用于机动车
- Then a real-time quasi-steady turboshaft twin-engined model is founded by simulating the rotor speed fluctuation. 为模拟大负载情况下旋翼转速的波动,建立了双发准定常涡轮轴发动机实时仿真模型。
- This caution sign reminds drivers to keep a slow speed. 这个警示牌提示司机,此路段要保持低速行驶。
- The test results show that the misfire malfunction simulation device can run reliably and have an apparent influence on the engine crankshaft instantaneous speed fluctuation. 实验结果表明,失火故障模拟装置运行可靠,通过对发动机瞬时转速波动的诊断能够有效地检测失火故障。
- The rattling model of a one stage gear system is established,in which mass unbalance,speed fluctuation of driving shaft and backlash of the gear pair are considered. 在考虑不平衡质量、主动轴转速波动及齿侧间隙的情况下,建立了单级齿轮传动系统的拍击振动模型。
- Do you often feel extremely slow speed of accessing the internet provoking? 你上过网吗?你是否经常感觉网速太慢?
- The slow speed reduces mechanical wear effect in the agitating process. 慢速旋转将减少在搅拌过程中机器的磨损效应。
- Put tofu, cream cheese and honey into blender then mix with slow speed. 嫩豆腐、奶油起司、蜂蜜,倒入果汁机用慢速打匀,备用。
- A new algorithm based on NCL has been put forward in slow speed of training. 针对原始负相关学习法收敛速度慢的缺点,给出改进的神经网络集成负相关学习方法;
- Three factors of influencing rotation speed fluctuation, torque, feedback of rotation speed and plus of speed controller, were analyzed. Resolvents in allusion to each factors were given. 摘要分析了影响永磁交流伺服系统转速脉动的三个主要因素,即转矩脉动、转速反馈和速度控制器增益,并针对各个影响因素提出了相应的解决措施,仿真结果表明了理论分析的正确性。
- The influence of printing speed on the density and chromaticity of the three-color was analyzed quantitatively through experiments to control the effect of printing speed fluctuation on the color reappearance. 为了控制印刷速度的波动对色彩再现的影响,采用实验的方法,定量地分析印刷速度变化对印刷三原色的密度及色度的影响。