- Methods:Analysis was performed on 48 cases checked by way of ophthalmoscope and slit lamp microscope retrospectively. 方法:对48只眼玻璃体积血的超声图像进行回顾性分析、研究。所有患眼出血情况有检眼镜和裂隙灯检查确定。
- Methods Sixty-three cases(101 eyes)were observed with slit lamp microscopes,and direct ophthalmoscope everyday and ultrasound-B examination were used everyday if necessary. 方法每日裂隙灯显微镜追踪观察63例(101眼)青光眼术后患者并辅以直接眼底镜和B超检查。
- Please sit down at the slit lamp, so I can examine your eyes. 医生:请坐到裂隙灯下,我检查一下您的眼睛。
- To make a diagnosis of uveitis, an ophthalmologist (a doctor who specializes in diseases of the eye) uses a "slit lamp. 为了确诊,眼科医生使用“切口灯”。
- The change of urine glucose and body weight were monitored and transparence of lens was obseved by slit lamp biomicroscope weekly. 每周监测大鼠尿糖、体重的变化,并在裂隙灯下观察大鼠晶状体混浊的进展;
- Change of lens were recorded weekly by using slit lamp microscope camera during STZ model group, SM eyedrop group and contrast group. 实验分为STZ模型组、丹参滴眼组和空白对照组,每周裂隙灯显微镜照相机记录晶状体变化。
- Postoperative examinations at 1 day, 1 week, and 1 month included slit lamp microscopy and best corrected visual acuity (BCVA). 连续环形撕囊后行超声乳化及人工晶状体植入术。
- Or corneal staining test positive: trickle Bangladesh red, slit lamp examination cornea, the side of> 10 points for the coloring is not normal. 或有角膜染色试验阳性:滴孟加拉红、裂隙灯检查角膜,一侧>10着色点为不正常。
- Our main products including Operation Microscope, Colposcope, Slit Lamp Microscope, Examination Lamp, and Other Optical products. 主营业务 :生产经营手术显微镜、阴道镜、裂隙灯显微镜、光刻显微镜、手术灯、及其他光学产品。
- Slit lamp biomicroscopy, indirect ophthalmoscopy, Electroretinogram (ERG) and intraocular pressure were performed at regular intervals in all eyes pre- and postoperatively. 所有兔在术前和术后一定时间进行裂隙灯、间接检眼镜、闪光视网膜电图检查并观察其眼压变化。
- This paper discusses the application of the slit lamp microscope used in the contact lens.The structure,principle and operation of the slit lamp microscope are also introduced. 探讨裂隙灯显微镜这一眼科常用设备,在隐形眼镜验配中的应用问题。介绍裂隙灯显微镜的结构、原理、使用方法,及其在隐形眼镜验配中的具体应用。
- Making use of the tidy optical slice projected from the slit lamp, the instrument can be used to make accurate examination on the pathological changes, such as cornea, eyelid, front chambers, sclera, iris, crystalline lens and retina. 利用裂隙灯投射出的整齐的光学切面,可对角膜、脸、房、膜、膜、状体及视网膜等病变作精确检查。
- Purpose:Use slit lamp microscope and optical microscope to observe the changes in corneal tissue after corneal epidermis injury and the effect of seawater soaking on the healing of corea after explosive injury. 目的:通过对角膜上皮损伤后病理改变的动物实验观察,了解海水浸泡对伤后上皮组织愈合的影响。
- Objective:To detect and monitor the features of nodular macular choroiditis (NMC) by using slit lamp and +90D lens,fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA) and indocyanine green angiography (ICGA). 目的 :用眼底荧光血管造影 ( Fundus fluorescein angiography,FFA )和吲哚青绿血管造影 ( Indocyanine greenangiography,ICGA)观察黄斑部结节性脉络膜炎 ( Nodular m acular choroiditis,NMC)的荧光特征。
- Frequent injections of TNT over a period of 15 months caused cataract 21.4% of the rats. Slit lamp examination showed that the changes in lenses of rats with cataract were similar to those of TNT-cataract in man. 反复多次给大鼠皮下注射20%25三硝基甲苯(TNT)甘油:水混悬液,染毒15个月后21%25动物发生白内障,其裂隙灯检查结果与人TNT性白内障基本相似,同时注射甘油:水溶剂的对照组大鼠无一例发生白内障。
- Slit lamp examination revealed corneal edema and fluid accumulation in the interface between the flap and stroma bed, which were very similar to the findings in diffuse lamellar keratitis (DLK). 裂隙灯检查发现角膜水肿,在角膜皮瓣和基质中问的介面有液体堆积,这些表现和弥漫性层状角膜炎很相似。
- Keywords pilot selection;visual activity test;orthokeratoplasty;slit lamp;ophthalmoscope;skiascope; 关键词飞行员选拔;角膜塑型术;视力检查;裂隙灯;检眼镜;检影镜;
- The man slit his former sweetheart up. 那人故意伤了他昔日的情人。
- Removal of foreign body of cornea with slit lamp 角膜异物除去术用裂隙灯
- Removal of foreign body of eye without slit lamp 眼异物除去术不用裂隙灯