- The barman slipped one over on me and gave me a foreign coin in my change. 酒吧招待欺骗了我,在找头中塞给了我一枚外国硬币。
- Tom took great delight in slipping one over on the guards. 汤姆把蒙骗看守当做极大的乐趣。
- He's not the sort of man you can put one over on. 他可不是能用花言巧语打动的人。
- Don't try to put one over on me! 你甭想蒙我!
- I'm afraid he put one over on you. 恐怕他占了你的便宜。
- I'm not going to let them get one over on me! 我决不让他们胜过我!
- slip one over on someone 欺骗某人
- Sure. There's one over on the corner, by the petrol station. 当然可以。那边拐角外有一个,在加油站的旁边。
- You have to beas sly as a foxto pull one over on me. 你很是聪明,把别人推到我的身边。
- slip one over on 欺骗 ...
- Wilsom tried to put one over on me yesterday by selling me a worthless car. 昨天威尔逊试图骗我买台坏车。
- He took great delight in slipping one over the guards. 他骗了门卫,以此来取乐。
- They think they've found a way to put one over on the welfare office. 他们认为他们已经找到了蒙骗福利机关的途径。
- Don't believe a word he says. He's just trying to put one over on you. 他说的话一个字也别信,他只不过想占你的上风而已。
- slipped one over onv. 欺骗(哄骗)
- "So don't go acting like I pulled one over on you." Jason opened his backpack and yanked out his looseleaf binder. / "如此不表现相似我拉一结束在你身上".;杰生打开了他的背包而且强拉出他的活叶式的缚者。
- Just a little wheeze to lift the chaps' spirits - and get one over on Jerry to boot. 这只是卷振奋人心的带子,而且在德国佬的地方播放。
- The fox slipped one overt on the hounds and got away. 狐狸骗过了猎狗,溜掉了。
- They were trying to put one over on us and they would no longer get away with it. 他们总是想花言巧语地骗我们,但是他们以后休想再得逞了。
- Some rowing boats lay keeled over on the beach. 一些划艇船底朝天地放在沙滩上。