- sling a stone at a dog 投石打狗
- Among them were seven hundred valiant men, all left-handed and able to sling a stone at a hair's breadth without missing. 在这些人中,还有特选的七百精兵,能左右开弓,个个能用机弦抛石,毫厘不爽。
- The boy threw a stone at the dog. 那男孩对狗丢石头。
- The boy throws a stone at the dog. 那个男孩向那条狗扔了块石头.
- The boy cast a stone at the dog. 那个男孩向那条狗仍了块石头。
- The boy shied a stone at the dog. 男孩向狗扔了一块石头。
- The little boy threw a stone at the dog. 小男孩往狗的身上扔了一块石头。
- to fling a stone at a dog 向狗投掷石块
- chuck a stone at a dog 把石头丢向一条狗
- fling a stone at a dog 投掷石块打狗
- The boy threw a stone at the window and broke it. 那男孩向窗户投了一块石头,把窗户打碎了。
- drive a stone at a dog 以石投狗
- She threw a stone at a chicken that was approaching her cage, and it raced away, squawking its annoyance. 她扔了块石头,把想接近笼子的小鸡赶跑。小鸡边跑边发出恼怒的叫声。
- Ben threw a stone at me,but I dodged it. 本朝我扔了一块石头,但我躲开了。
- The boy threw a stone at the bird. 小孩掷石头打鸟。
- The white boy socked a stone at me. 白人男孩向我扔石块。
- Mary throw a stone at John but it was deflected away from him when it hit a tree. 玛丽对准约翰扔石头,但石头击中一棵树而偏了。
- Even a dog may look at a bishop. 狗也能傲视主教。
- It's like hauling at a dog's leash. 好似拉着一条狗绳。
- He picked up a stone and let fly at the balking dog. 他捡起一块石头朝那狂吠的狗扔去。