- Description: Simple but very balanced table wine, soft lightly bitterish with slightly fruity taste. 口感:简单明了很平衡的餐酒,柔和带点苦味,带有淡淡果香。
- Slightly fruity aromas, resembling of green apple and gooseberry with a nice acidity. Its subtle fruity and mineral flavours are typical for a Franconian Silvaner. 清淡的果香,夹杂着青苹果和莓子的果味,赋予了这款酒恰到好处的酸度。浓郁的果香和矿物质的味道正是弗朗克尼亚瑟瓦纳的最典型特色。
- We could relax the procedure slightly in your case. 我们可以根据你的情况通融一些。
- He has spoken down again after slightly pausing. 他在略作停顿后又讲了下去。
- A fruity quality is common to all wine made from this grape. 用这种葡萄酿制的所有的葡萄酒有共同的醇味。
- slightly fruity 淡果香
- A fruity aroma or flavor in a wine. 酒中的果味芳香或气味
- White wine should be slightly chilled. 白葡萄酒应稍微冰一下。
- I was slightly flummoxed. Well, totally gobsmacked. 我有点惊愕,嗯,真是目瞪口呆了!
- Each step he took was slightly tentative. 他每走一步都有些迟疑不决。
- The car engine was pinking slightly. 车子的引擎发出一点点爆震声。
- Each of the houses is slightly different. 每所房子都稍有区别。
- My interest in music has languished slightly. 我对音乐的兴趣有点减退。
- Raising herself slightly, the snake struck. 那条蛇稍稍抬起身,咬了一口。
- Price in most sector is steady to slightly easier today. 今天多数部门的价格从坚稳渐趋疲软。
- This red wine is soft and fruity. 这种红葡萄酒不含酒精而且果味浓。
- The aftertaste is fruity, almost cherry. 浅粉象啤酒酒体醇厚,口味醇和。
- Slightly and pleasantly intoxicated. 微醉的因微醉而感到轻松和愉快的
- Becoming alkaline; slightly alkaline. 碱化的变成碱的; 弱碱性的
- Colour: Strong carmine Bouquet: Berry-like, fruity. 颜色:深红色香味:浆果味,水果香味。