- The laboratory report says there is a slight rise in your white blood cell count. 化验报告表明你的白血球计数有点高。
- Xinhuanet Shanghai May 25 (XNA) Shanghai average residential sale price of a slight rise in the first quarter trends. 新华网上海5月25日电(记者黄庭钧)上海住宅预售平均价在一季度呈小幅上扬走势。
- Body Slightly long compared with height, back firm with a slight rise over loins; ribs well sprung, chest deep, fairly broad behind shoulders. 身长略长于身高,背部结实,腰部微微圆拱,肋骨充分扩张,胸部深,肩胛之后宽阔。
- Slightly long compared with height, back firm with a slight rise over loins; ribs well sprung, chest deep, fairly broad behind shoulders. 体长略大于身高,背部结实,从腰部有一轻微抬起。肋骨扩张良好,肩部以后的胸部深而宽广。
- In spite of the slowdown, Hyundai is expecting a slight rise in its total shipments from Ulsan this year, which reached nearly 1m vehicles in 2007. 尽管美国经济放缓,但现代预计,蔚山今年的总发货量将略有上升。蔚山2007年的发货总量接近100万车。
- A slight rise in dwelling commencements in the September 2007 quarter does little to alter an acute shortage of housing stock in Australia. 2007年第四季度9月份澳大利亚新开楼盘少量上升,不过难以改变严峻的住房储量短缺问题。
- As a result of Wal-Mart, the overall retail sector posted a slight rise in February same-store sales, versus previous forecasts for a decline, according to Thomson Reuters. 由于沃尔玛;整个的零售部门在二月同店销售里发布一个略微上升;对一个下跌的以前预期;根据汤姆森路透社.
- A vagrant current or a slight rise in the river had carried off their raft, but this only gratified them, since its going was something like burning the bridge between them and civilization. 可能是一阵湍流也可能是一股上涨的潮水,冲走了他们的小木筏。 他们却为此感到庆幸。 因为没有了木筏,就像是烧毁了他们与文明世界间的桥梁,斩断了他们回返的念头。
- The rising flow is a wave: a slight rise amid a degrading sea of entropy; a sustainable crest always falling upon itself, forever in the state of almost-toppled. 上升流是一个起伏的波浪,在衰退的熵的海洋里轻微的上涨,是永远在即将跌落的状态下,自行奋起的连续不断的波峰。
- Are the slight rises of recent months a sign of broader recovery, or blips on the way to further pain. 近几个月的微幅上涨预示着更广阔的复苏,还是更多的苦难?
- His slight still sticks in my craw. 他的侮辱仍然使我无法忍受。
- He has a slight wheeze in his chest. 他呼吸时胸部发出轻微的响声。
- Some slight incident may touch off a major war. 某个小事件可能会引发大战争。
- Her slight frame was shaken by bouts of coughing. 她纤弱的身躯因阵阵咳嗽而发颤。
- I have a slight calcium deficiency. 我有点缺钙。
- Our army suffered a slight reverse. 我们的部队受到轻微的挫败。
- There's been a slight hiccup in our mailing system. 我们的邮政系统临时出了一点小问题。
- A man with will may rise superior to temptation. 意志坚强的人可以不为诱惑所动。
- She noticed this slight hint of manifestation of the colour bar. 她注意到了这个微小的种族歧视的表现。
- The cruelty of war made his gorge rise. 战争之残酷使她十分反感。