- She sprinkled sugar on the sliced tomatoes. 她往切碎的西红柿上撒了糖。
- Remove from oven, top with sliced tomatoes, sprinkle with cheese. 从烤箱去除,冠上与切的蕃茄,洒用乳酪。
- McDonald's has stopped serving sliced tomatoes in its US restaurants. 麦当劳在美国的餐厅已经停止提供生番茄条。
- Fast food giant McDonald's has stopped putting sliced tomatoes in its burgers in the US because of a salmonella scare. 在美国由于担心感染沙门氏菌,快餐食品巨人麦当劳已经停止将切片番茄放入汉堡中。
- They ordered bread goals cheese and a plateful of sliced tomatoes with oil and parsiey. 他们点了面包、羊奶干酪和一大盘子西红柿片加荷兰芹和调味酒。
- Ham and salami piled high with shredded lettuce and thinly sliced tomatoes drizzled with olive oil and Balsamic vinegar on a French baguette. 法式面包配以火腿,意式香肠,生菜丝和切成薄片的西红柿,调以特级橄榄油和巴硕芳香黑醋,鲜香美味。
- Lollo lettuce, regular lettuce, sliced tomato boats, red bell pepper, crispy bacon and pine nuts. Served with a delicious mango dressing. 菊苣,生菜,番茄片,鲜灯笼椒,培根和松仁并配以美味可口的芒果酱。
- Remove skin from the onion, wash and shred. Slice tomato thinly. Remove skin from garlic and chop finely. 洋葱去掉外皮,清洗干净后切成粗条状。西红柿切片。蒜去膜切碎。
- McDonald's has stopped serving sliced tomatoes in its US restaurants.That's after concerns about salmonella food poisoning linked to some uncooked varieties. 由于最近一些带有沙门氏菌的生食所导致的食物中毒成为人们关注的焦点,麦当劳在美国的连锁店已停止向顾客出售薄番茄片。
- Grilled mushromms, grilled red and yellow peppers with melted Fontina and Mozzarella cheeses, baby iled greens,sliced tomatoes and homemade sun-dried tomato aioli. 炭烤蘑菇、红黄甜椒配上烘软的意大利羊奶干酪和莫扎晨拉芝士、田园蔬菜、蕃茄片和秘制意大利茄干酱汁。
- Use mayonnaise as a butter substitute and coat the toast.Then place a patty, sliced tomato, and sliced cheese onto the toast. 取出土司,涂上一层沙拉酱(可用黄油),然后放上一个馅饼,覆盖上一层西红柿片,再铺上奶酪片。
- If you like a B.L.T. sandwich, you’ll love this!Smoked bacon and Mozzarella cheese, hearth-baked, then topped with fresh sliced tomatoes chilled chopped lettuce tossed in mayonnaise. 如果你喜欢熏肉、生菜、蕃茄三明治的话,相信这款口味你绝对欣赏,香脆熏肉、芝士和新鲜蕃茄,配上生菜色拉。
- The latter is especially good - thin slices of flavorful fish, crispy lettuce, sliced tomato and Dijon mustard nestled between layers of fresh white bread (crustless, of course). 简报显然是关键-茶叶都存储在靛蓝蓝瓷球童线滑动黑漆书架,和咖啡厅的草药茶(新台币240元每罐)已命名与名称,如“春青年”,“窈窕淑女”和“故事的抒情玫瑰“。
- Ham and salami piled high with shredded lettuce and thinly slices tomatoes drizzled with olive oil and Baslamic vinegar on a French baguette. 法式面包配以火腿,意式香肠,生菜丝和切成薄片的西红柿,调以特级橄榄油和巴硕芳香黑醋,鲜香美味。
- He doubled his slice of bread to make a sandwich. 他将一片面包对摺做成三明治
- The axe sliced through the wood. 斧头一下子把木头劈开了。
- The falling slate sliced into his arm. 落下来的一块石片划破了他的手臂。
- Aunt Emily put up a dozen cans of tomato last fall. 去年秋天埃米莉姑妈做了12瓶番茄酱。
- The shortage of tomatoes kept the prices up. 西红柿的短缺提高了它的价格。
- He has spread a slice of bread with Jam. 他把面包片抹上了果酱。