- sleep on the bed one has made 自作自受
- He who sleeps on the floor will not fall off the bed. 睡在地板上的人是不会从床上掉下来的。
- I've nothing more to advise on the matter. You have made your bed and must lie on it. 关于这个问题我再没有多的意见,你是自作自受。
- Want money keep on coming while ou sleeping on the bed ? 想要赚钱的同时却悠闲的在家休息吗?
- The bed doesn't seem to be the one I usually sleep on. 这张床不像是我常睡的那张!
- His dinner jacket was already laid out on the bed. 他的晚礼服已经摆在床上了。
- But, appeared this exceptional, because children are too piquant, as penalty, sleep on the bed that mom makes them return his. 可是,这次出现了例外,因为孩子们太调皮,作为惩罚,妈妈令他们回到自己的床上睡觉。
- On the team has made the switch as well. 也进行了切换。
- Oh, you shouldn't be working. Wilma, you should be resting. Outside! Dino, how many times have I told you not to sleep on the bed? 哦,你不应该工作的。威尔玛,你应该休息。走开!迪诺,告诉你多少次了不要睡在床上了?
- One little teddy Bear jumping on the bed. 一只小玩具熊在床上跳。
- One little Monkey Spinning on the Bed! 一只小猴在床上转呀转!
- If somebody still sleeps on the bed, the bed is met intense shake and tilt, make sleepyhead slips slowly the ground. 假如有人仍睡在床上,床就会激烈抖动并倾斜,使贪睡者慢慢地滑到地面。
- They laid the boy back on the bed. 他们把小男孩放回床上。
- She has made a lot of money from her business and now her family want to get in on the act too. 她在生意上赚了大钱,现在她家 的人也要插手了。
- The attendant slept on the offer and then decided. 这位随从对该提议考虑了一夜,然后作出了决定。
- She laid her dress on the bed to keep it neat. 她把连衣裙放在床上以保持平整。
- Poor old people have to sleep on the street. 穷苦老年人只能露宿街头。
- She sighed as she lay back on the bed. 她在床上向後一躺,长叹了一声。
- The patient was writhing on the bed in agony. 病人疼得在床上直打滚。
- And sleep on the fragrant grass every night. 数钱数到自然醒,睡觉睡到手抽筋。