- Feudal society replaced slavery society, capitalism supplanted feudalism, and, after a long time, socialism will necessarily supercede capitalism. 封建社会代替奴隶社会,资本主义代替封建主义,社会主义经历一个过程发展后必然代替资本主义。
- They reflect the essential concepts of Chinese Slavery Society and are rare historical relics. 而且还反映了当时奴隶社会的伦理道德观念,成为历史的见证。
- In Chinese Slavery Society about 4,000 to 2,500 years ago, living people were buried with the dead as sacrifices. 奴隶制时代,4000到2500年前,流行以活人殉葬
- They reflect the essential concepts of Chinese Slavery Society and are rare historical relics . 而且还反映了当时奴隶社会的伦理道德观念,成为历史的见证。
- And whether does smallholder economy exist in the society is being made with seigneur in slavery society, actual.. 而在奴隶制社会和封建领主制社会中是否存在小农经济,实际...
- The concept of nature was first formulated by Laotze (6th century, B.C.) when China was changing from the old slavery society to the new feudal order. 张荣翼从比较文学的基本概念入手,对“五个跨越”中的“跨国家”和“跨学科”提出了质疑。
- The Yin people who had just stepped out of barbarism and into the slavery society were very superstitious and worshiped gods and spirits. 走出原始的蒙昧而步入奴隶社会的殷人非常迷信而且崇尚鬼神,其心中盛行的是鬼神降疾的迷信观点。
- Roy: “you are completely wrong, when DaLaLaiMa was in control of Tibet, it was a slavery society, the monks who are %5 of the population were in control of 95% of people. “你完全错了,当达赖统治西藏的时候,那时的西藏还处于奴隶社会,那些占藏民5%25的僧侣集团控制并奴役着西藏其他95%25的人口。
- In the course of ancient Greek society's history development from matriarchal society to patriarchal society and to slavery society,the woment's status lowered again and again. 古希腊社会经母系氏族社会到父系氏族社会再到奴隶制社会的历史发展进程中,妇女的社会地位一再降低。
- the slavery society of antiquity 古代的奴隶社会
- Based on the maintenance of the Xia and Shang dynasties as slavery societies, the article discusses the influence of Soviet Evolutionism and ideology imposed on academic thought in China. 摘要根据学界对夏商奴隶制社会的认定,文章探讨了前苏联社会进化模式和意识形态对学术思维的影响。
- The Root and Flow of the Miao Ethnic People and the Slavery Society 苗族源流与中国奴隶制社会
- Advocacy of the abolition of slavery. 废奴主义废除奴隶制的主张
- All those who were captured were sold into slavery. 所有被抓获的人都被卖去当奴隶。
- When was slavery outlawed in that country? 那个国家何时宣布奴隶制为非法?
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。
- Slavery seemed likely to disrupt the Union then. 当时,奴隶制似乎有可能分裂美国。
- Slavery is the antithesis of freedom. 奴役与自由是对立的。
- These criminals are the dregs of society. 这些罪犯都是社会的渣滓。
- The attack on slavery was spearheaded by William Wilberforce. 对奴隶制的攻击是由威廉威尔伯福斯发起的。