- With this pool of slave labor, you can underbid any contractor in the city. 有这些可怜的劳工,你可比这城里的所有承包商出更低的价。
- Soon great plantations, supported by slave labor, made some families very wealthy. 不久之后出现了依靠奴隶劳动的大庄园,使一些家庭成了富豪。
- Chinese state media say brick kilns and mines found to be using slave labor illegally used more than53- thousand migrant workers. 中国国家媒体说,被发现非法使用奴工的砖窑和矿井非法使用了5万3千多名来自外地民工。
- Slave labor was a bit of a sweatshop, not unlike conditions humans find themselves in today in poorer parts of the world. 奴隶苦力是一种血汗工厂,就像今天在世界上更穷困的地方,人们发现自己所处的环境一样。
- Southern farmers accomplished this first by using slave labor, then by creating sharecropping, a form of indentured servitude. 美国南方农场主通过使用奴隶首先获得了这种劳动力资源,而后创造了收益分成种植体制,即一种契约奴役。
- There was Fritz Sauckel, the boss of slave labor in the Third Reich, his narrow little slit eyes giving him a porcine appearance. 第三帝国负责奴隶劳动的头子弗里茨 - 沙克尔也在被告席上,他的眼睛细小,使他看上去活像一头猪。
- The majority of Republicans, however, were not Abolitionists.They had no interest in ending slave labor in the South.They simply did not want slavery to spread to other areas. 然而,该党的绝大多数党员却不是反奴隶制主义者,他们对结束南方的奴隶劳动力并不感兴趣,他们只希望奴隶制别向别的地区漫延就是了。
- And since there is no way the alarm can be put to snooze or stopped without human intervention, you will never again sleep in and get late for your precious slave labor of a job. 由于这种闹钟非经人工干涉停不下来,你绝不会睡过头而赶不上那份剥削人不眨眼,累死累活的工作。
- That is, their descendants remaining in the land, whom the Israelites could not exterminate -these Solomon conscripted for his slave labor force, as it is to this day. 就是以色列人不能灭尽的,所罗门挑取他们的后裔作服苦的奴仆,直到今日。
- He even reported, approvingly, that British policies were causing such unemployment in China, that displaced Chinese workers were being used as slave labor throughout the world. 他甚至赞许地报导,英国的政策造成了中国这麽多失业人口,这样中国难民才能被用来在全世界做奴隶工。
- Eager for slave labor and its economic advantages, he embarks on a slave-gathering expedition to West Africa but ends up shipwrecked off of the coast of Trinidad. 作为人而言他也惟利是图,野心勃勃,不借冒很大的风险去“创业”,这正是资产阶级个人企业家的典型形象。
- Their only alternatives were to compete against slave labor with their own labor as handicraftsman, which was considered base and vulgar and also offered very little prospect of success, or to become social scrap. 摆在自由公民面前的只有两条道路:或者从事手工业去跟奴隶劳动竞争,而这被认为是可耻的、卑贱的职业,而且也不会有什么成功; 或者就变成穷光蛋。
- Soon, the Dutch began importing and growing coffee in places like Java and Ceylon (largely through slave labor), and the British East India Trading Company was popularizing the beverage in England. 很快,荷兰引进咖啡豆并在爪哇、锡兰(大多是奴隶劳动)等地开始种植。大不列颠东印度贸易公司将这种饮料在英国普及开来。
- China's government-run Xinhua News Agency has issued stinging criticism of local government officials and police who allegedly permitted slave labor in many of central China's brick kilns. 中国官方的新华社对华中地区据称在大量砖窑允许使用奴工的地方政府官员和警方提出严厉批评。
- Every day that the war went on meant more death for the concentration camp inmates, for the millions of slave laborers in Germany, for the Allied POWs. 战争每延长一天,对身处德国数以百万计奴隶劳工而言,对身处德国之盟军战俘而言,即意味产生更多集中营死亡,。
- This time someone has thrown a shoe at the Chinese leader while dimwit Gordon Brown stands by to sign away more British Jobs to Chinese slave laborers. 这一次有人将鞋扔向了中国领导人。那时傻瓜戈登布朗正站在旁边签署协议,在英国为更多的中国奴隶劳动力提供工作岗位。
- (4) slave labor as the dominant form of production. (4)出现了作为占统治地位的生产形式的奴隶劳动。
- Police has captured a foreman of slave workers and rescued another 20 slave laborers at brick kilns and other illegal workplaces in north China's Shanxi province. 在华北山西省的黑砖窑以及其他非法矿区里,警方已经捕获一名奴工包工头,并再次解救出20个奴工。
- The slave was strapped to death. 这个奴隶被鞭打死。