- Andy tries to step past them.He gets shoved around, nothing serious, just some slap and tickle. 安迪试着躲开他们,色狼们与他轻轻的碰撞,打量着他们的猎物。
- a bit of slap and tickle on the sofa 在沙发上拥抱接吻.
- We heard the slap and plunge of people in the water. 我们听到人们的击水声和跳水声。
- The bigger girls used to chase me and tickle me. 比我高大的女孩过去总是追赶着胳肢我。
- slap and ticklen. 男女调情;打情骂俏
- I slapped and rubbed myself and then dressed again. 我用手拍打身体,揩一揩,再把衣服穿上。
- The back of my throat is itchy and tickles. 我喉咙后部发痒。
- She tickles and tickles his nose. 她不停地挠他的鼻子。
- If something's bothering you, get it off your chest and tickle your [the] mind. 有什么不痛快的事, 就把它说出来, 你心里也就敞亮了。
- We heard the slaps and plunges of people in the water. 我们听到人们的击水声和跳水声。
- Cognitive slaps and insults happen every time I open the floppy pages. 每次我翻开报纸,都能感受到打击和侮辱。
- The public is to be coaxed and tickled into understanding. 大众得哄着、逗着才能获得了解。
- "How old is your daddy?" I made fun of him and tickled him. “你的爸爸几岁啦?”我边逗他边胳肢他。
- There is something inside her, tickling and tickling. 范妮在哈哈大笑,像一条肥胖的蛆一样笑。
- One day. One day, I'll pluck every one of your feathers and tickle you with them! 终有一天。终有一天,我会用你的羽毛去鼓舞每一个人并且让你们都高兴一下!我们准备好了,大人!
- As he thought, the day grew warmer and the flies began to settle on his legs and tickle his bare feet. 他正在遐想的时候,天热起来了,苍蝇开始朝他腿上落,叮他的光脚丫。
- In 'Moonstruck,' Cher's character confronts her boyfriend with a slap and a sharp reprimand: 'Snap out of it!' If only there were a Cher for the financial markets. 在电影中,雪儿饰演的角色给了她男朋友一记耳光,并痛斥道“振作起来!”如果金融市场也有雪儿这样的人物那该多好。
- Note: 1. An athlete should use the same foot to jump, slap and land on the carpet. 2. The movement should be finished motionlessly then follow by another movement. 注:1、单脚落地时,击响(踢起)脚和落地脚应为同一脚。2、动静连接的连接动作必须呈静止状态。
- For if we find you taking life too seriously, we will come up and tickle your funny bone to re-mind you that it is just a game. 因为如果我们发现你太严肃对待你的生活,我们将在你的胳肢窝搔痒来提醒你它只不过是一场游戏。
- I really wanted to slap her during the meeting. 在开会的时候我真想赏她一巴掌。