- A menu will not satisfy your hunger.A formula will not slake your thirst". 菜单不可能填饱你的肚子,一套准则也不可能消除你的饥渴。
- slake your thirst 解渴
- Iced tea will quench your thirst on hot days . 冰镇茶在热天将解除你的口渴。
- A cup of beer will satisfy your thirst. 喝杯啤酒可为你止渴。
- Good to the last drop.. Your thirst. 服从你的渴望。
- Quench your thirst for knowledge. 用这些饮料来帮你解知识之渴。
- A cup of beer will satisfy your thirst . 喝杯啤酒可为你止渴。
- Iced tea will quench your thirst on hot days. 冰镇茶在热天将解除你的口渴。
- Quenches your thirst and increases energy levels. 解渴怡神,令你活力充沛的健康饮品。
- This watermelon really quenches your thirst. 这西瓜真解渴。
- Drink some sweet-sour plum juice to quench your thirst. 喝点酸梅汁,解解渴。
- It's completely uselesstrying to quench your thirst with wine. 喝酒止渴纯粹是瞎掰。
- And,alas,our spring is not here to allay your thirst. 还有,天哪,我们的清泉不在那里,不能缓解你的干渴。”
- And, alas, our spring is not here to allay your thirst. 可怜呵,我们的泉水不在这里供你解渴。"
- Soft drink companies often claim that their products can quench your thirst. 饮料公司经常声称他们的产品能止你的渴.
- Descend and appease your hunger with our bread and quench your thirst with our wine. 降下来,用我们的面包充饥,用我们的酒解渴。
- If you exile yourselves from your own country to search for gold, I will show you a land where you can satisfy your thirst. 如果你们自愿背井离乡,是为了寻找黄金,那么我愿意给你们指点一个地方,你们可以在那里满足你们的渴望。
- But since you must kill to eat, and rob the newly born of its mother's milk to quench your thirst, let it then be an act of worship. 但既然你们必须杀生而食,而且夺取初生之犊的母奶止渴,那么,就把这视为一种崇拜奉献的行为吧!
- The new fluid recommendations for runners say that they should "obey your thirst" and drink when their mouth is dry and they feel the need to drink. 对跑步者的最新饮水建议指出,跑步者应该“服从自己口渴的感觉”,当感到口干或需要喝水时可以饮水。
- Duo Mai Coffee Drinks is always a good partner relieving your thirst and moistening your throat in both the hot summer and the cold winter. 不论是炎炎夏日还是冷冷寒冬,多麦咖啡茶饮一直是您解渴润喉的好伙伴。