- slag ladle and carriage 渣罐车
- hot-metal ladle and carriage of KR 铁水倾翻车
- But on the road he heard a horse and carriage. 但是,他听到了路上有马车的声音。
- hot-metal ladle and carriage 铁水罐车
- A fall of hot metal or molten slag outside iron or slag ladle may be occurred,when the iron or slag runner's nose was positioned unsuitably. 高炉渣铁沟流嘴的位置不合适,渣、铁就会流到渣、铁罐外造成重大事故,蒙受重大经济损失。
- Rhett:I'm sorry, Prissy, but the Army took my horse and carriage. 瑞德:对不起,碧西,军队把我的马和车子都拿走了。
- The article indicates that the reformed steel slag hammer blower can ensure the raising,tumbling,thumping to make the slag ladle empty again in time. 文章简述了通过对翻罐打锤机的改造,实现了渣罐的提升、翻罐和打锤的作业等,以保证钢渣罐的及时返空。
- Peace and Love go together like a horse and carriage. 和平和爱并存,正如马和车。
- Barrel and bottom of large size ladles and refining ladles. 大型钢包和精炼钢包的包壁和包底。
- The hiring out of horses and carriages. 马或马车的出租
- FEM analysis of compounded stress of slag ladle 渣罐复合应力的有限元分析
- Steel making converters, EAFs, ladles and LF furnaces. 适用于炼钢转炉、电炉、精炼炉等。
- His behavior and carriage were insufferable as he showed me my duties. 他指点我做事时的举动和架势,使我受不了。
- If you'd lived in the 19th century, you'd have travelled by horse and carriage. 假使你生活在19世纪,你不会有车开。
- The slag from the furnace is tapped from the slag notch, and it flows through runner into slag ladles or slag yard. 高炉熔渣从渣口放出,顺着流渣沟流进渣罐,或流入渣?
- The major equipments are the ladle and the mould. a ladle is a container to hold the molten steel tapped from the steel making furnace. 主要的铸锭设备有盛钢桶和钢锭模。盛钢桶是用来盛装从炼钢炉放出的钢液的容器。
- The married man carried the scarred car and carriage onto the carrier. 已婚男子把有疤痕的汽车和马车带到了航母上。
- Abstract: A big ladle and a stir-frying pan are cooking tools that are able to be been in common people's kitchen. 摘要:炒勺(大马勺、炒瓢)、煸锅是餐饮业和百姓的家庭厨房中随处可见的烹调工具。
- At the time the area ws known for its horses and carriages. 当时的时代广场以车水马龙闻名。