- According to the proprietress, the fillets are made by skipjack tuna. 据北门章鱼小丸子店的老板娘介绍,鱼片采用的是柴鱼片。
- The flavor will be great when octopus balls are seasoned with salad, mustard and skipjack tuna fillets. 小丸子配合着色拉、芥末和柴鱼片,味道极佳!
- If seaweed is used in stead of skipjack tuna fillets, the effect will be less good. 上海的两家章鱼小丸子表层采用海苔覆盖,感觉这个“创新”不成功。
- Tanabe, T. 2001. Feeding habits of skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis and other tuna Thunnus spp. juveniles in the tropical western Pacific. Fish. Sci., 67: 563-570. 田士金,1995。中国东海东南区底栖鱼类资源之评估研究。国立台湾大学海洋研究所硕士论文,73页。
- may be same species as skipjack tuna. 可能与飞鱼同种。
- fish whose flesh is dried and flaked for Japanese cookery; may be same species as skipjack tuna. 切成鱼片干燥后是日本人的烹调原料;可能与飞鱼同种。
- fish whose flesh is dried and flaked for Japanese cookery; may be same species as skipjack tuna 切成鱼片干燥后是日本人的烹调原料;可能与飞鱼同种
- Analysis on spatial-temporal distribution of skipjack tuna catches by purse seine in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean 中西太平洋金枪鱼围网鲣鱼渔获量时空分布分析
- orange meat A discolouration of the flesh of skipjack tuna occurring sometimes when brine-frozen and affecting marketability. 橘色的肉鲣鱼肉的一个变色,有时会出现在用盐水冻结时,会影响销售。
- pole &line Skipjack tuna and albacore are concentrated around a fishing vessel by the release of quantities of small bait fish. 一支钓鲣鱼与巴鲣鱼被集中于一艘钓鱼船,藉由小诱饵鱼的大量释放。
- Any of several similar fishes, such as the skipjack. 金枪鱼任一种类似的鱼,如飞鱼类
- skipjack tuna 鲣鱼
- Eat them good now and then there is the tuna. 趁它们还新鲜的时候吃了,回头还有那条金枪鱼。
- The edible flesh of tuna,often canned or processed. 金枪鱼肉金枪鱼可食用的肉,通常是装有罐头中或加工过的
- Any of several similar fishes,such as the skipjack. 金枪鱼任一种类似的鱼,如飞鱼类
- You can find tuna in the seafood section. 你在海鲜区可以找到鲔鱼。
- Skipjack prices clearly tend to increase. 箭鱼的价格很明显呈上升趋势。
- Lots of tourists come here to catch tuna. 许多旅客到这儿来捕捉金枪鱼。
- I ate some fruit followed by a tuna sandwich. 我吃完水果又吃了个金枪鱼三明治。
- Flake the tuna and add to the sauce. 把金枪鱼切成片,加上调味汁。