- a sizzling steak; a sizzling spell of weather. 咝咝作响的烤肉;一阵子灼热的天气。
- James ordered a Salisbury steak for lunch. 詹姆士叫了一客混有蛋、牛乳、面包粉的合成牛肉饼。
- Do you like your steak well-do or underdone? 您喜欢牛排煮得老一点还是嫩一点?
- I'd like to try the steak, please. 请给我来一客牛排。
- sizzling steak 烙肉排
- Do you want boil potato or chip with your steak? 您想佐煮土豆还是油炸土豆条。
- I ordered a steak at his suggestion. 我根据他的建议点了一份牛排。
- The steak was so tough I couldn't eat it. 牛排太老了,我咬不动它。
- He put a fillet steak in the bun. 他把一片无骨牛排放进小圆面包里。
- Sausages are sizzling in the pan. 香肠在锅中发出滋滋声。
- Jack tore into the steak as though he hadn't eaten for a week. 杰克大口吃起牛排来,好像一个星期没有吃东西似的。
- To make a sizzling noise while frying or searing. 煎或炸时出吱吱的声响
- Oil sizzling in the pan sounds exciting to savour. 锅中滋滋作响的油听起来可尝个过瘾。
- I can recommend the sizzling beef. 我推荐铁板牛肉。
- He put away a pound of steak at one meal. 他一顿饭贪婪地吃了一磅牛排。
- The old lady sliced off a thick steak. 老太太切下厚厚的一片肉。
- Do you like the steak smothered with onion? 你喜欢吃上面盖了一层洋葱的牛排吗?
- He sliced off a big piece from the beef steak. 他切一大块牛排。
- The steak burned around the edges. 牛排边缘炸焦了。
- The animal was not mere than fifty feet away, and instantly into the man's mind leaped the vision and the savor of a caribou steak sizzling and frying over a fire. 这个牲畜离他不过五十尺光景,他脑子里立刻出现了鹿肉排在火上烤得咝咝响的情景和滋味。