- Stress and metal flow in steel tube during sizing process were analyzed. 分析了定径过程中钢管内金属流动和弹复行为。
- The sizing process for sizing on the T/C13/13 346/252 160 fine plain by replacing the PVA in a large scale with oxidized starch. 本文介绍了降低普通织物的上浆成本的方法,探讨了用氧化淀粉大比例取代PVA对T/C13/13346/252160细布进行上浆的浆纱工艺。
- Blended thread with two fibres has high strength, more hairiness, so sizing process is necessary to decrease hairiness and static. 中长型大豆蛋白纤维与高收缩涤纶纤维混纺股线强力高,但毛羽偏多,所以要进行上浆,从而贴伏毛羽,减少静电。
- Danieli Morgardshammar has developed an innovative process called PSP Profile Sizing Process for production of high-quality medium/heavy sections, rails and special profiles. 达涅利摩根沙玛公司已经开发出一种称为PSP型钢定径轧制的创新工艺,用于生产高质量大/中型型钢、钢轨和异型型钢。
- The sizing process must be taken in order to eliminate the size tolerance and roundness one after the seamless pipe rolled and heat treated. 为消除无缝钢管的轧制和热处理所产生的尺寸和椭圆度误差等缺陷,一般要采用定径工艺。
- The experiment results showed that the sizing process reduced hairiness, enhanced strength and frictional resistance, and also improved weaving property. 上浆后,纱线达到了贴伏毛羽、增加耐磨、增强保伸、改善织物织造性能的目的。
- According to the ?80 cylinder block bore size process analysis and research,work out the ?80 boring and roll extrusion head used in boring and rolling at the same tine. 针对?80缸体的内孔进行分析和研究 ,设计出镗削、滚压同时进行的?80镗滚压头。
- This paper analyses chemical, mechanical and physical properties of ramie yarn fiber, expounds the basis of selecting sizing agent and points out the requirements and routes of the sizing process. 分析了苎麻纤维的化学及机械物理性能,阐述了浆料配方的依据,提出了苎麻纱的上浆要求及上浆工艺路线。
- This paper analyses the problems in weaving process of pure ramie yarn, discusses the sizing process and brings forward a new one, which improves the sizing quality and the weaving efficiency. 本文分析了纯苎麻纱在织造加工中存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出了改进措施,制定了新的浆纱工艺路线。
- Relevant operation practice has proven that with the optimalized sizing process parameters,steel tubes sized by the said mill possess decreased ovality and higher O.D.accuracy. 生产实践表明,采用优化后的定径工艺参数,钢管的椭圆度减小,外径精度提高。
- They differ in size but not in kind. 这些东西的区别只是大小不同而实质一样。
- To enhance sizing quality of fine count high density double weft satin fabric,adjustment and optimization of warping processing,sizing formula,sizing processing were done. 为提高细号高密双纬缎纹织物的浆纱质量,对整经工艺、浆料配方、浆纱工艺进行了调整与优化。
- Sizing Process for Medium Slub Cambric 中长竹节细布浆纱生产
- Size mixture formula and sizing processing were inputted in computer,and modification was authorized,it is feasible for the following quality management,and the ... 并将浆料配方、浆纱工艺输入计算机管理程序,设定修改权限,便于进行质量跟踪管理,并提高了纺织企业的信息化管理程度。
- To strengthen the control of size dose and get exact sizing processing quickly,computer management program of size mixture formula and sizing processing was designed. 为了加强对浆纱工序用浆量的控制,准确、快捷地下达浆纱工艺,设计了浆料配方及浆纱工艺计算机管理程序。
- Chemical Change of ASA in Sizing Process ASA在施胶过程中的化学行为
- Research of Sizing Process of Hard Twist Yarn 强捻纱浆纱工艺探讨
- Improvements of Sizing Process for Spun Rayon 人棉上浆工艺的改进
- FEM Simulation of Sizing Process for Steel Tube 钢管定径过程的有限元仿真
- And the mid- size car have a lot more legroom. 而且中型车的腿部伸展空间较为宽敞。