- six member transition 六元过渡态
- We have only six members to start with. 我们开始只有六个会员。
- The club had only six members to start with. 这个俱乐部最初只有六个成员。
- The European Commission said Wednesday that it had launched infringement proceedings against six member states over air passenger rights. 欧洲委员会周三宣布,他们已经针对六个成员国对飞机乘客侵权的事宜采取了制裁。
- The vote approving the amendment was far from unanimous; six members dissented. 通过修正案的投票远非全体一致;有六个人反对。
- It is said that new house can accommodates a family with six members. 据说那套新房能供一个六口之家居住.
- In the end, a jury of six members deliberated and found him guilty of murder. 最后经过仔细认真的考虑,陪审团的六名成员发现他犯有谋杀罪。
- The constructive suggestions and opinions made by the presidents will be of importance in guiding the building and development of the organization and the unity and cooperation among the six member states. 各位发表的建设性的意见和主张,对我们这个新生组织的建设与发展,对我们六国的团结与合作,具有重要的指导意义。
- The SCO should learn the tested experience from other international and regional organizations. More importantly, it should consistently blaze the trail of development suitable to the six member countries in line with the actual conditions in the region. “上海合作组织”要借鉴其他国际和地区组织的积极经验,更要立足于本地区的实际,在实践中不断探索符合我们六国特点和需要的发展路子。
- The redress system operates on a weekly roster with groups of six members of the Legislative Council taking turns to receive public petitions and representations. 立法会每周会有六位议员轮流当值,接见前来请愿和提交意见的申诉团体。
- Six members of Joseph Stalin's infamous secret police have become the heroes of Russia's latest set of stamps. 斯大林手下6名声名狼藉的秘密警察(克格勒)成为俄国最新发行的一套邮票的英雄人物。
- If Puerto Rico becomes a state, it would be represented by six members of Congress and two U.S. senators. 如果波多黎各成为一个洲,它将会被6个国会成员以及2个议会代表。
- Sources said that six members of the "G7" had reached consensus on the SSM issue, except the United States. 有资料显示,除了美国尚未同意此点外,其他六国均已在此问题上达成一致共识。
- Six members of the NBA Fan Patrol will also be in Shanghai to add to the festivities and greet fans in Shanghai. 六名NBA球迷巡游队队员将会飞抵上海,参与这项盛事并和上海球迷会面,带来远方的问候。
- He is an active member of the school's stamp club. 他是学校集邮俱乐部的一名活跃会员。
- Our club is a member of the Football League. 我们的俱乐部是足球联合会的一员。
- Rene Meulensteen named a strong side which included six members of the first-team squad which had made the midweek trip to Lille. 雷内.;穆伦斯汀的阵容强大,包括了本周前往里尔的6位一队球员。
- It takes six years to qualify as a doctor. 要获得医师资格需时六年。
- He is as much a member of the orchestra as Tom. 他和汤姆同样是管弦乐队的成员。
- Six members (whether or not they be members of the Assembly)elected by the Assembly fo r a period of three years and eligible forre-election. 大会选举产生的六个会员(不论他们是否是大会的会员),任期三年,并可连