- Siphon type is divided again for type of siphon of eject of general siphon type vortical siphon type. 虹吸式又分为一般虹吸式 喷射虹吸式 旋涡虹吸式 。
- According to discharges water system all, the cent of strong water means of closestool falls to rush type, siphon type. 依照排水系统,马桶的冲水方式分为冲落式、虹吸式。
- So why on the present market that defend bath, does siphon type have absolutely mainstream place? 那么为什么现在的卫浴市场上,虹吸式占有绝对的主流地位呢?
- Current market toilets have dashed into Type, siphon type, siphon jet type, siphon vortex-type categories. 目前市场中便器有冲落式、虹吸式、虹吸喷射式、虹吸涡旋式等种类。
- And the biggest advantage of siphon type develops water noise namely small, namely so called Jing Yin. 而且虹吸式的最大优点就是冲水噪音小,也就是所谓的静音。
- Integral sitting w.c.pan sits with what cistern is an organic whole implement. Its rinse conduit to have siphon type, also have strong fall type. 连体式坐便器与水箱为一体的坐便器。其冲洗管道有虹吸式,也有冲落式。
- Among them siphon type is through rushing at the same time water has siphon effect at the same time, contamination rapid eduction. 其中虹吸式是通过一边冲水一边有虹吸作用,将污物迅速排出。
- Chinese architectural associations Nguyen into that siphon type pans to squat to sit there, after frequent changing and jumping will not plug the net. 中国建筑装饰协会的阮福成表示,虹吸式坐便器就不适合蹲改坐,换装后常常出现堵塞和冲便不净的问题。
- Sit implement divide again from working principle fall to rush type and siphon type, and siphon type fractionize falls to rush siphon type, eject siphon type and vortical siphon type. 坐便器从工作原理上又分为冲落式和虹吸式,而虹吸式又细分为冲落虹吸式、喷射虹吸式和旋涡虹吸式。
- bottom-feed wick oiler 底吸油芯加油器
- siphon-type wick oiler 虹吸油芯加油器
- The big clubs siphon off all the best players. 大俱乐部把所有最佳选手都抽调走了。
- U.S., the more practical in nature and comfortable and environmentally friendly products, are siphoned type flushed between difficult choices. 美款的多注重实用性和舒适性,也是环保产品,冲水多是虹吸式,两者之间很难选择。
- wick oiler 灯心注油器油绳润滑器
- In a printer, the removable type element. 印刷机上可拆卸的打印部件。
- Do you type the letter or take a rest? 你打信呢,还是休息呢?
- The headwords in this dictionary are in bold type. 本词典的词条用的是粗体字。
- He devises a new type of transistor. 他发明了一种新的晶体管。
- If you're short of petrol you can siphon off a gallon from my tank. 如果汽油不够,你可以从我的油箱中用虹吸管吸一加仑去。
- This type of bulb screws into the socket. 这种灯是拧到灯座上的。