- Sufficient and Necessary Conditions for the Existence of Positive Entire Solutions of a Class of Singular Nonlinear Equations 一类奇异非线性方程的正整体解存在的充分必要条件
- singular nonlinear equations 奇异非线性方程组
- A class of singular nonlinear parabolic equations was considered, after linearing this equations, the corresponding variational problem was obtained, furthermore the existence and uniqueness of weak solution was proved. 摘要考虑一类奇异非线性抛物方程,通过对其右端线性化,得到一个与之相应的变分问题,进而证明其弱解的存在唯一性。
- A new Brent algorithm has been used to solve nonlinear equations. 应用了一种新的解非线性方程组方法即Brent 方法。
- The methods play a leading role in the studies of solving nonlinear equations. 此迭代法对解非线性方程组有极其重要的意义。
- singular nonlinear systems of equations 奇异非线性方程组
- Aim of the question is to work out nonlinear equations directly in space of nonlinear. 其宗旨是不对非线性函数作线性化处理而直接在非线性函数空间进行误差方程或目标函数的非线性解算。
- By using accelerating Aitken method in iterative method of nonlinear equations,a new modified method is given. 通过对非线性方程组的迭代法引入Aitken加速技术,设计了一种非线性方程组的迭代解法的加速方法;
- Indicates the Newton-Raphson option used to solve the nonlinear equations in a static or full transient analysis. 我的理解是:当有多个荷载步时,这两个命令如果在第一荷载步设置后,以后的荷载步都沿用上面的设置。
- The nonlinear equations are rapidly solved by ordinary Newton iteration because the basic iterative step inv... 经实践证明,用上法绘出的图形光顺性好、精度高,完全符合生产要求。
- The existence of multi-positive solutions are presented to a singular nonlinear second periodic order boundary value problem. And the proof uses the fixed point index in the cone theory. 摘要利用格林函数的正性和锥不动点指数,分析了一类奇异非线性二阶周期边值问题的多个正解的存在性。
- Naturally, forecasters began to look at the wild and woolly places where only chaotic nonlinear equations ruled. 预测者们自然地开始把目光投向那些更为狂野和更为杂乱的地方,那些仅由非线性方程统治的地方。
- The existence of solutions for singular nonlinear two point boundary value problems subject to Sturm Liouville boundary conditions with p Laplacian operators is studied by the method of upper and lower solutions. 利用上下解方法证明一类具有 p Laplacian算子的Sturm Liouville型二阶非线性奇异微分方程的两点边值问题的解的存在性 .
- Column-secant Update Technique for Solving System of Nonlinear Equations, Numer.Math., J. Chinese Univ., 2(1995). 计算机代数基础(面向二十一世纪高等院校计算机系列规划教材);科学出版社;2005年.
- Aitken algorithm,exploited to solve nonlinear equations with one variable,is an automatic linear iterative algorithm,in which each iteration needs computing function values twice. 求解一元非线性方程的埃特金算法是一种线性化自动迭代算法;其每次迭代需要计算两次函数值.
- J. M. Ortega, W. C. Rheinboldt, Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Equations fo Several Variables, Academic. Press, New York, London (1970) . 王德人;非线性方程组解法与最优化方法;人民教育出版社(1979).
- Then the Runge-Kutta numerical method is applied to solve the nonlinear equations and the nonlinear response of the plate is obtained numerically. 分析结果表明:气动热降低了系统的稳定性;
- A quadratic convergent iteration method with adjusted parameters without derivative for solving nonlinear equations is discussed in this paper. 摘要讨论一种解非线性方程的具有变参数的不带导数的二阶收敛迭代法。
- Aeroengine component level model is composed of many nonlinear equations, the convergence of which is an important issue of model reliability. 发动机部件级仿真模型是由一组非线性方程组成,其收敛性是衡量模型可信度的一个重要指标。
- We study the application of nonmonotone technique and BB method to smooth nonlinear equations, while combing with inexact quasi-Newton methods. 证明了全局收敛性并给出了数值试验结果。