- singleloop servomechanism 单环伺服机构
- The pilot merges into the servomechanism. 驾驶员与伺服机制相融合。
- A servomechanism which follows changes in the input signal. 一种跟踪输入信号变化的伺服机制。
- The executive's function is like that of a servomechanism. 主管人员的职能就像一个伺服机构的职能。
- The circuit of toilet servomechanism which used hall sensor was designed. 设计了基于霍尔传感器的卫生间自动控制器电路。
- Abstract: Discussed the transfer function between loaded and unloaded servomechanism of launch vehicle. 文摘:讨论了伺服机构负载特性与无发动机空载特性和有发动机空载特性间的转换关系。
- Discussed the transfer function between loaded and unloaded servomechanism of launch vehicle. 讨论了伺服机构负载特性与无发动机空载特性和有发动机空载特性间的转换关系。
- CHEN Tongbin, GAO Ding, Huang Q F. A servomechanism for composting: 中国, 0112522.9[P]. 陈同斌;高定;黄启飞.;一种用于堆肥的自动控制装置:中国;0112522
- This investigation is concerned with a servomechanism, which uses such motors for position and force control. 以多轨道之卫星影像进行影像正射化后,经镶嵌可得到大范围之正射化卫星影像。
- The robot that controlled by a servomechanism, ?i.e.,?the driving signal of the robot's motor is a function of the difference between a set target and the actual response. 由伺服机构控制的机器人,即其马达的驱动信号是设定目标量与实际响应量间的误差的函数。
- The servo system of a photoelectric theodolite is usually a servomechanism composed of double loops of speed and position. 光电经纬仪伺服系统一般是位置、速度双闭的随动系统,其跟踪精度和动态响应能力是衡量系统性能的重要标志。
- Servomechanism of the design is based on SCM AT89C51.Movement of the car is detected by means of infrared radiation and measure. 本设计以单片机AT89C51为核心组成测控系统,利用红外线发射与检测技术对电动小汽车的运行状态跟踪检测;
- Based on VI and PXI bus, a servomechanism test system with high credibility, high precision and self-diagnosis capacity, is built up. 利用虚拟仪器和PXI总线技术,组建高可靠性,高精度,具有自诊断功能的伺服机构测试系统。
- C. servomechanism is designed and the element plan is presented.(4) The software of the ELO and ETU control system based on the hardware is designed. (4)设计开发了基于硬件的控制系统软件。
- A rain forest and a periwinkle, an electronic network and a servomechanism, SimCity and New York City, all possess degrees of hyperlife. 一片热带雨林和一枝长春花,一个电子网络和一个自动控制装置(servomechanism),模拟城市(SimCity)和纽约城,全都拥有超生命(hyperlife)的级别。
- An example of the servomechanism model on the algorithm was carried out, and its effectiveness and higher robustness were confirmed. 实例数值计算表明,这种控制方法能够获得良好的控制精度和较强的鲁棒性。
- As an example, the way of using these methods to analyze and design the maintenance system of servomechanism of hydroelectric set governor is introduced briefly. 对这些方法在水轮发电机组调速系统的维护系统分析与设计中的应用作了简要介绍。
- If you were trying to describe how a gun-pointing servomechanism works, you might start out by saying, "Suppose I push down on the gun-barrel to create a position error. 如果你试图去描述用于火炮瞄准的伺服机制是如何工作的,你可能会从下面这种叙述开始:“假设我把炮管下压而产生了一个位置错误。
- The effectiveness of the developed design system is demonstrated by a gear design, and the dynamic analysis and parameter identification of a servomechanism with multiple joints. 本文以齿轮之设计与分析,及一多重传动伺服机构之动力分析与参数更新,验证此设计系统进行动力机械产品零件设计与组件开发之实用性与有效性。
- The solution was as close at hand as the stern of the ship: a large ship controlled its rudder by a special type of automatic feedback loop known as a servomechanism. 其实,解决这个问题的方法近在眼前:一艘巨舰,是通过某种特殊的自动反馈回路,即伺服机制来控制它的船舵的。