- single pole double throw switch 单刀双投开关
- single pole single throw switch 单刀单投开关
- A type of series-parallel single pole double throw(SPDT) switch with broadband and high isolation was designed and made up by utilizing several PIN diodes. 采用多个P IN管设计并制作了一种串/并联结构的宽带高隔离度微带单刀双掷(s ing le po le doub le throw;SPDT)开关.
- In the thesis, the main research topic is mechanical switch, including SPST (Single Pole Single Throw), SPDT (Single Pole Double Throw) and keyboard switch. 本设计中主要研究的是机械类开关,包括单刀单掷开关和单刀双掷开关及键盘开关。
- Designated the KSJ Series, the single pole, single throw, normally open detect switch features high actuation tolerances along with silent and linear operation during actuation with no tactile effect. 属于KSJ系列,单极、单掷开关。通常情况下打开检测开关,该产品可以承受较高的激励信号,在没有触觉效果的情况下可以实现无声以及线性操作。
- DUAL SWITCH - Single Pole Double Throw 双开关:单刀双掷
- SINGLE SWITCH - Single Pole Double Throw 单开关:单刀双掷
- The SL version has one function, either undercurrent or undervoltage, with a PDT (single pole double throw) for signal output. SL版具有单功能,在低电流或低电压的情况下,信号输出具有PDT(单极双摆)。
- Contact arrangement available in choice of single pole double throw (SPDT) or single pole single throw (SPST), either normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC). 联络安排,可在选择单极双掷( SPDT产品技术)或单极单掷(的SPST ) ,无论是通常开放(无)或常闭( NC )进行。
- What is the impedance of half wavelength single pole antenna? 直译:一半波长独身者杆的阻抗是什么天线?
- Each float contains a single pole mercury switch which actuates when the longitudinal axis of the float is horizontal, and deactuates when the liquid level falls 1" below the activation level. 每个浮控开关包含一个单极水银开关,当浮球的纵轴处于水平位置时,开关打开,当水位低于启动位置1英寸时,开关关闭。
- A single pole can be used to create overhead space, or it can be left at the trailhead. 而天气状况恶劣的话也可以将它整个拉鍊拉上,但绝对不会觉得闷潮。
- Its characteristics lie in the simplification of administration body, the single pole of administrative authority, widespread region of management. 传统的地方政府管理模式的根本特点在于管理主体单一化、行政权力单极化、管理范围全域性。
- outdoor single pole isolating switch 户外单极隔离开关
- Birth and civilian homes, a good acquisition skills at an early age, like a sword or walk and quack single pole, is a weak-hoe, Hangxiazhangxi juvenile hero. 出生与平民之家,自幼习得一身好武艺,以一柄长剑或单刀行走与江湖,是个锄强扶弱,行侠仗义的少年英雄。
- Inside parts of single pole MCB in a seprate single loose pack.Clear mention about Amperes of the MCB on main corrugated pack, and on the single loose pack is ok. 单极MCB的内部配件使用单独的松散包装.;在主瓦楞纸箱和单个松散包装上明确写明MCB的安培数就可以了。
- double pole single throw switch 双极单掷开关
- This paper analyzes mathematics model of instantaneous state of field radiated by ESD. Using fast rate sample oscilloscope and single pole aerial, the experimental research on field radiated of TQW_nanomaterial is made by ESD. 根据静电放电 (ESD)辐射瞬态场的数学模型 ;利用高采样速率数字存储示波器和单极子天线对TQW纳米材料的ESD电磁辐射场进行了实验研究 .
- DGS is a non-periodic structure which is extended from EBG structure. Some DGS can slow wave and have single pole and low pass characteristic, and high effective characteristic impedance. DGS(Defected Ground Structure)是由EBG结构发展而来的非周期性或周期单元很少的微波结构,某些DGS具有单极点低通特性、慢波特性、高等效特性阻抗特性。
- This text aims complicated operating system of the small-scaled hydraulic excavator.From the ergonomics point of view, designs a single pole operating system of the small-scaled hydraulic excavator. 摘要针对小型液压挖掘机复杂的操作系统,从人机工程学的角度出发,设计了小型液压挖掘机单杆操作系统。