- Stretch in draw frame sliver fed to roving. 喂入粗纱的条子意外伸长。
- High total draft up to draw frame. 并条机总牵伸倍数高。
- Wider nozzle at draw frame or rotor. 并条或转杯喇叭口宽。
- Draw frame sliver with higher unevenness. 并条条干不匀率高。
- Narrow back zone setting at draw frame. 在并条后牵伸区隔距窄。
- Thus the entire remaining refuse of the renowned joke was emptied upon a single head, and with calamitous effect. 于是那场著名闹剧的残羹剩饭就一古脑儿泼在了一个人头上,随之而来的则是灾难性后果。
- User Parameter that programs the maximum stitch length that the machine will sew in a single head revolution. 一个用户参数,使程序计算机器单个针头在一转内所跳跃的最大针距。
- Alcoa single head cappers can be designed for most package configurations with infeed and discharge designs to accomodate most requirements. Alcoa单头封盖机可设计为适用于具有进料及卸料设计的大多数包装配置,以满足各种需求。
- Solution is to either make six of a doubling at draw frames AND/OR use single passage after comber. 解决的办法是在并条采用6根喂入或在精梳后面采用单根喂入。
- The baby, Lali, apparently has an extremely rare condition known as craniofacial duplication, where a single head has two faces. 女婴名叫拉里,很明显患有一种极其罕见的病症,颅面复制病,即一个头上长了两副面孔。
- XXBS Series include : XXBS1 single head and double head,XXBS2 side trimming machine,and double speed side trimming maching. XXBS系列削边机有:XXBS1单头削边机、XXBS2双头削边机和简易型双速削边机。
- The product includes single head single slot, single head double slot, multithread single slot and multithread multiple slot. 有单头单槽、单头双槽、多头单槽、多头多槽等等,并可按要求做动平衡。
- Model BS368 Lap Draw Frame is a high efficient preparation machine for Comber, easy operation, high automation and reasonable doubling of slivers and drafting ratio. BS368型条并卷机是高效的精梳准备设备,操作简单,自动化程度高,棉条合并数、牵伸倍数分配合理。
- The images from these performances alternately show the artist curlen in foetal position,as a many-armed Bodhisattva and as a single head floating in a black abyss. 有时他两手摆动,在摄像机中捕捉到他的双臂运动的痕迹,好像千手观音;有时他只在头部涂抹荧光粉,一颗头颅好像在黑暗的无底深渊中漂浮。
- Production and sale of the series of computerized embroidery machine, single head Quilting, computer hang embroidery machine, computer Quilting and special mechanical device. 生产及销售各系列的电脑刺绣机,单头绗缝机,电脑绗绣一体机,电脑绗缝机以及各机械的特殊装置。
- Methods Set up the improved general scoring for head position delivery and apply it to the clinical analysis of 956 primiparas with single head position term delivery. 方法拟定改良头位分娩综合评分法,对956例单胎足月头位分娩的初产妇进行临床分析。
- By analyzing the characteristics of the process of the draw frame autolevller, the Generalized Predictive Control theory is introduced to design the controller in order to improve the sliver quality. 通过分析并条机自调匀整系统被控对象的特点,提出用广义预测控制理论设计控制器,以提高匀整的效果。
- It points out emphatically that this technique dispels the stress of draw roller by interference fit,and applies to differ-endt kind of high speed drawing frame. 着重指出这种热粘合无套差的并条胶辊彻底克服了有套差引套胶辊的应用紧张状态,完全满足高车速、重加压的工艺要求,可在进口及国产的各种高速并条机上使用。
- The Alcoa Model PP136 capping machine is a single head capping machine that operates in a manual or semi-automatic configuration for sealing bottles and containers of various shapes and sizes. Alcoa PP136型封盖机是一种手动或半自动配置操作的单头封盖机,用于密封玻璃瓶和各种形状及大小的容器。
- The article stated partial transformation of the drawing frame and the quality improvement of resultant yarns. 就并条机传动部分的改造及成纱质量的提高进行了阐述。