- single gene regulatory system(SGR) 单一基因调节系统
- single gene regulatory system SGR
- multiple gene regulatory system(MGR) 复杂基因调节系统
- A single gene may have many effects. 单一基因可能具有很多种效应。
- Completing the government telecom regulatory system. 政府通信管理体系正在建立和完善。
- The creation of multiple effects by a single gene is called pleiotropy. 单一基因所产生的多重效应为基因多效性。
- As a kind of regulatory tool, it is a kind of computer regulatory system too. 而作为一种管理工具,它同时又是一套先进的计算机管理系统。
- This is a clear regulatory system dereliction of duty, not as an executive. 这分明是一个监管体制失职,行政不作为的问题。
- The control by a single gene of several distinct and seemingly unrelated phenotypic effects. 多效作用受具有若干独特的、看似与表现效果不相关的单个基因的控制
- There are two regulatory systems which interact. 有两个相互影响的调节系统。
- gene regulatory system 基因调节系统
- Transcriptional control mediated by cleansing of short sequences from gene regulatory regions. 藉由清除基因调控区域上的短序列以进行转录控制。
- Researchers have recently discovered that altering a single gene can overcome the plants' reticence. 研究人员近来发现,改变某种基因可以克服植物防御的迟缓性。
- The evidence for a widespread RNA-based regulatory system is strong, albeit still patchy. 以RNA为基础的调节系统广泛存在的证据虽然不完备,但却相当有力。
- Based on microarray date, constructing gene regulatory networks has also become a hotspot. 利用微阵列基因表达数据构建基因调控网络也成为一个研究热点。
- Could knocking out this single gene,then,be a simple way to boost inducible defences across the board? 那么,破坏这种基因是否能够成为全面提高诱发性防御的一条捷径呢?
- multiple gene regulatory system MGR
- Researchers have recently discovered that altering a single gene can overcome the plants'reticence. 研究人员近来发现,改变某种基因可以克服植物防御的迟缓性。
- It is assumed that nature involves an orderly regulated system. 人们认为自然界是一个有规律有条理的系统。
- CpG Methylation and Gene Regulation and Gene Regulation. CpG甲基化与基因调控。