- A Positive Analysis On the Simplified Single Factor Model on Condition of Selling out 卖空约束条件下简化单因素模型的实证分析
- With more than two samples, there is no convenient generalization of TTEST, and the Single Factor Anova model can be called upon instead. 如果有两个以上的样本,则没有使用方便的TTEST归纳,可改为调用“单因素方差分析”模型。
- It is not sufficient to measure a single factor such as density of juveniles. 测量一个单一的因素是不够的,如只测幼体密度。
- Multistage fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is used to make a comprehensive evaluation to graduation dissertation based on single factor fuzzy evaluation. A mathematic model of comprehensive evaluation is developed. 以单因数模糊评判为评判基础,用多级模糊综合评判毕业设计(文)绩。给出模糊综合评判的数学模型。
- In a general equilibrium model, a tax on a single factor in its use only in a particular sector can affect the returns to all factors in all sectors. 在一般均衡模型中,对仅在某一特定部门使用的某种要素课税,可能影响到所有部门的所有要素的收益。
- Additivity noise - factor model is a broadly used nonlinear model in economicsystems. 加性噪声指数模型是经济系统中应用十分广泛的一类非线性模型。
- Processing of camembert cheese was investigated in this paper by single factor and orthogonal experiments. 通过单因素实验和正交实验对卡门培尔干酪的制作方法和工艺条件进行了初步研究。
- The utility of the response factor model is not restricted to these processes or by the specific forms of analysis performed. 响应系数模型的效用并不局限于这些过程,也不受进行分析的特定形式的限制。
- Rather than a single factor, quality in software is best viewed as a tradeoff between a set of different goals. 并非基于一个单个的因数,软件品质是在一组不同的目标之间作出最好的折衷选择。
- LIU J R,ZHAO D F.Weibull distribution parameters and stand factor model of Larix plantation[J].Scientia Silvae Sinicae,1997,33(5):412-417. [4]刘君然;赵东方.;落叶松人工林威布尔分布参数与林分因子模型的研究[J]
- Mean in groups was compared with single factor variance analysis; LSD-t test was compared in pairwise comparison. 多组均数比较使用单因素方差分析,两两比较采用LSD鄄t检验。
- I am inclined to think that language has been the most important single factor in the development of man. 我倾向于认为,语言在人类发展的过程中是一个最重要的因素。
- The purposes of this study were to determine the situational sources of highly acute intense sport-related, and to examine the abstracted factor model fit. 摘要通过问卷调查、因子分析和结构方程模型对中国高校运动员的临场压力源进行相关的确定。
- Extraction technology of flavones in onionskin was studied by single factor and orthogonal experiment. 对洋葱皮黄酮类物质的提取工艺进行了研究。
- The selection of shielding plans in field warfare positions shouldn't rely on one single factor. 摘要野战阵地的防护方案不能只根据单个的指标进行选优。
- Byell informed so that no single factor is overweighted or blown out of proportion. 竞争问题有关。社会大众原则上普遍认为竞争是有益的。
- METHODS The prescription and process of Lansoprazole enteric-tablets were screened using single factor design. 方法用单因素试验设计筛选处方和工艺。
- Referring to BIRR model, the paper develops a macroeconomic factors model in China's stock market. 摘要本文以BIRR模型为参照,筛选出适用于中国股市的宏观因子套利定价模型中的宏观风险因子。
- The system of lactic-propionic is selected as object and is tested by single factor analysis method. 选择常用的乳酸/丙酸镀液为低磷化学镀镍的研究体系,通过单因素法进行测试。
- Methods The clarification process of Prunus americana juice was studied through single factor and orthogonal test. 方法 通过单因子试验和正交试验研究布朗李汁的澄清工艺。