- single sport association 单项体育社团
- single sports association 单项运动协会
- UEA has the largest single sports complex of any university in the UK. 提供学生一个安全舒适的图书环境。
- The national sports association of an individual sport shall manage the registration of athletes of such sport. 第二十九条全国性的单项体育协会对本项目的运动员实行注册管理。
- The International Motor Sports Association holds a World Motor Obstacle Championships every year. It is held in 12 countries. 国际摩联 每年举行一次世界摩托车障碍锦标赛,分别在12个国家举行。
- The IRD Sports Association continued to play an important role in developing the human resources of the Department. 税务局体育会在发展本局的人力资源上继续扮演重要的角色。
- Annie: The Universiade is a comprehensive games organized by the International University Sports Association. 安妮: 世界大学生运动会是国际大学生体育联合会主办的世界性综合运动会。
- The UK governing body Motor Sport Association rescinded the credential because F1 renovations at Donington reduced run-off at a high-speed section. 英国汽车运动理事会协会撤销的凭据,因为F1的装修在多宁顿减少径流在一个高速度节.
- Annie: The Universiade is a comprehensive games organized by the International University Sports Association . 安妮:世界大学生运动会是国际大学生体育联合会主办的世界性综合运动会。
- The China Sports Association for the Disabled,established in 1983,has joined seven world handicapped sports organizations. 1983年成立的中国伤残人体育协会,加入了7个世界残疾人体育组织。
- In 1949, it changed its name in-to the" International Motor Sports Association". In 1959, its head-quarters was set up in Geneva, Switzerland. 1949年,改名为“国际摩托车运动联合会”,1959年国际 摩联总部设在了瑞士日内瓦。
- Throughout the year, the IRD Sports Association organized many popular sports, social and recreational activities for colleagues and their families. 税务局体育会在本年度为同事及家属举办了多姿多采的体育、社交和康乐活动。
- And added to this there is a clear pledge to sportiness expressed both by the arrangement and finish of the four single sports seats and the design of the controls and instruments. 而加入这个有一个明确的承诺,所表达的运动都安排和完成的4个议席单体育以及控制和工具的设计。
- Throughout the year, the IRD Sports Association continued to organize a wide range of sports, social and recreational activities for colleagues, their families and friends. 税务局体育会在本年度继续为同事、他们的家属及朋友举办了多姿多采的体育、社交和康乐活动。
- Sports Administrators run clubs and sporting associations. 体育管理管理俱乐部和体育协会。
- When it resumed, the FIFA World Cup? rapidly advanced to its undisputed status as the greatest single sporting event of the modern world. 当世界杯赛事再次举办时,FIFA世界杯就迅猛的以其无可异议的地位成为了当今世界最专业的体育赛事。
- The coxswain position is unique because you don't need great physical strength, just mental strength," says Liu Ai Jie, vice president of the China Water Sports Association. 9月中旬,选拔赛将在黄金档期播出,届时将有20名最后的入围者在每周的比赛中接受评委和观众的评判。这种选拔形式将考验参赛选手的意志、领导才能和抗压能力。
- When it resumed, the FIFA World Cup?rapidly advanced to its undisputed status as the greatest single sporting event of the modern world. 当世界杯赛事再次举办时,FIFA世界杯就迅猛的以其无可异议的地位成为了当今世界最专业的体育赛事。
- Donington Park, the new venue for the British grand prix beginning next year, has failed to be granted a racing license by the Motor Sports Association (MSA). 多宁顿公园,新地点的英国大奖赛从明年起,没有获得许可的赛车汽车运动协会(生活津贴).
- Abstract: Our country takes the way of developing sports association and sports club these years, but there is a great gape to go comparing with developed country. 摘要:近几年我国尝试发展体育俱乐部,但是在实际运作中,与发达国家还有很大的距离。