- single motor equipment 单发动机装置
- Each of the 100 microwires lay beside a single motor neuron. 那100根金属丝每一根都靠近单一个运动神经元;
- The driving mechanism transmits the torque of a single motor via a driving gear to the ink suction pump. 该驱动机构通过一驱动齿轮将一单独的电机的扭矩传递到墨水抽吸泵。
- Application: Suitable for the vibration-reduction and noise-isolation of the motor equipment and the base of instrumentation. 用途:适用于电机设备及仪器仪表底座减震和隔音作用。
- A single motor neuron may innervate more than one fiber. A motor neuron plus all of the muscle fibers that it innervates comprise a motor unit. 运动单位是由一个运动神经元及其所支配的一定数量的肌纤维所构成。
- Monomotor bogies , where both axles of the bogie are driven by a single motor , often encounter torsional resonances, which lead to periodic longitudinal slip. 对于单马达转向架,转向架上的两根轴由同一个马达驱动,常常会遇到扭转的共振,这将导致周期性的滑动。
- Linear movement,base and suspended mounted, single and double deck,single motor with gear drive and two motors with SELSYN drive. 有单电机齿轮传动和双电机自同步运动两种。
- Tandem driving screen with single motor 双机串联传动筛
- single motor unit action potential 单运动单位动作电位
- Customer consultant service in motorized equipment 机械设备服务中心的客户服务顾问
- The letter was written on a single sheet of paper. 这封信只用一张纸写成。
- One single, second class, to winchester, please. 买一张去温撤斯特单程二等票。
- The Drive Control of Belt Conveyer Driven by Single Motor 单电机驱动的带式输送机的传动控制
- He got over the stream with a single leap. 他一跃就跳过了小溪。
- Improvement of Single Motor Drive for Mine Hoisting System 对矿井提升系统单电动机拖动的改造
- The bridge crosses the river in a single span. 河上那座桥是单跨桥。
- Do you want a single or a return ticket? 你要单程票还是往返票?
- Is the material single width or double width? 这幅料子是单幅的还是双幅的?
- I have had to work for every single penny I earned. 我挣的每一便士都是辛苦工作得来的。
- The huntsman fired a single shot at the lion and settled its hash. 猎人朝那只狮子开了一枪,把它打死了。