- When will the single currency be operable? 什么时候实行单一货币?
- To use a single currency will make the calculation much easier. 用单一货币使换算容易多了。
- From Lapland to the Azores, the single currency is a reality. 从拉普兰到亚速而岛,统一的货币已经成为了现实。
- On membership of the single currency, the Government's policy is unchanged. 作为单一货币的成员国,英国政府的政策始终如一。
- A major aspect of EMU is the single currency, to be known as the euro. 欧洲经济货币联盟的一个主要方面就是采用单一货币,即欧元。
- On membership of the single currency,the Government's policy is unchanged. 作为单一货币的成员国,英国政府的政策始终如一。
- This does not mean that Europe should not eventually have a single currency. 这并不意味着欧洲不应终于有一个单一的货币。
- This process should culminate in the introduction of the single currency by the end of the century. 这一进程最终将于20世纪末引入单一货币。
- They have enabled Ireland to plan for and successfully participate in the European single currency, the euro. 同时也能使爱尔兰能够计划并成功的加入欧盟的单一货币欧元的使用中。
- One of the main benefits of a single currency is that money does not have to be exchangedback and forth. 单一货币的最大好处之一是不用来回兑换货币。
- Now they must aim for membership of the single currency (Slovenia already uses the euro) and the border-free Schengen area (set to expand next month). 现在它们必须加入单一货币区(斯洛文尼亚已经开始在使用欧元)以及互免签证的申根区(定于下月扩大)。
- A rider to the act sketched out an ambition to complement the single market with a single currency. 该法案的附文草拟了成立一个单一货币来补充单一市场的目标。
- If the Gulf states move to a single currency, as they plan to in the next few years, that currency should surely float. 如果这些海湾国家打算实行单一货币,就像他们在未来几年中计划的那样,那么这种货币也必将是可浮动的。
- In truth the single currency is heading for the trickiest moments of its short life. 事实上,单一货币正面临它短暂生命中最棘手的时刻。
- The Dutch were disappointed by the level given to the Guilder when they joined the European single currency. 荷兰人对他们加入欧元区时荷兰盾的过低估价大失所望。
- The EU's single currency introduced in 1999 by the 11 Eurozone countries that joined stage three of EMU. 欧盟于1999年1月1日推出的单一货币,最初采用的是进入欧洲经济和货币联盟(EMU)第三阶段的11个...
- The rules of the single currency expressly forbid any bail-out of one country by the centre or by other countries. 单一货币的规则明确禁止任何由欧洲央行或其它国家为某个国家注资的行为。
- A single currency zone had operated in the European states since the twentieth century. 从二十世纪开始欧洲国家就采用了通用货币。
- A former European commissioner from Ireland, Peter Sutherland, thinks that Europe's single currency has kept Ireland afloat. 来自爱尔兰的前欧盟委员,彼德.;萨瑟兰认为,因为欧洲统一货币,爱尔兰才得以避免经济困窘。
- The single currency will be accepted alongside sterling during the international Eisteddfod, which attracts thousands of visitors. 在这里举行本届国际音乐竞赛年会期间,欧元和英镑将被同时接受。此次年会吸引了成于上万的游客。