- Single legal entity in the EU that represents the importers of substances, preparations and articles and takes over REACH obligations 作贵公司的唯一代理负责处理贵公司的物质、配制品、物品进口的相关法律义务,并承担具体的
- A corporation is a separate and legal entity apart from its owners. 股份有限公司是一种与所有者脱离的、独立的法律实体。
- Expertise is required on the legal entity registration process. 在法人(实体)的注册过程中需要专家的意见。
- A corporation is separate legal entity Chartered by the state. 股份有限公司是州政特许的独立的法律主体。
- As a separate legal entity, the corporation must pay taxes. 作为一个独立的法律实体,公司必须纳税。
- Refers to any legal entity under the control of WSB Taiwan Branch. 指新兆元控制下的任何法人實體。
- There is no single legal system in the United Kingdom. 联合王国不实行完全统一的法律制度。
- A corporation is a legal entity created in accordance with state law. 有限责任公司是根据州的法律创建的法人。
- It shall be a corporate legal entity incorporated in and outside China. 中国境内外依法设立的企业法人。
- Each BDO Member Firm is an independent legal entity in its own country. 每个BDO成员机构在自己国家都是独立的法律实体。
- SPV is a new legal entity created purely for the purpose of bankruptcy-remote. 特殊目的载体是为了实现破产隔离而创设的一个新型法律实体;
- The powerful Xinshidai group is spearheaded by the separate legal entity of the china Xinshidai Corporation. 实力雄厚的新时代集团由独立法人实体中国新时代公司带领。
- The choice seems to be between having a separate legal entity and asking the HKMA to run the scheme. 我们可以选择成立独立机构,或由金管局负责管理存保计划。
- The board is a legal entity entrusted with ultimate decision making for the Foundation. 理事会作为基金会委托的法人实体作出最终决策。
- The debt repayment by a bankrupt legal entity is under the jurisdiction of the people's court in the locality of the legal entity. 企业法人破产还债,由该企业法人住所地的人民法院管辖。
- A corporation is regarded by the law as a legal entity capable of suing, being sued and owning property. 公司所视为一个法律上的独立实体,可以起诉、应诉和拥有财产。
- You may designate any person, firm, corporation or legal entity as principal or contingent beneficiary. 你可以指定任何人、公司、企业或者合法的实体作为主要的或临时的受益人。
- The trust itself is not taxed and again this reflects the fact that a trust is not a separate legal entity. 信托本身不纳税,这再次体现出信托不是独立的法人实体。
- It is the world trend to allow the legal entity to become a partner in the law of partnership. 允许法人成为合伙人是世界合伙法律制度的发展趋势。
- Article 13 The coal mining administrations are State-owned coal mining enterprises each with the status of an independent legal entity. 第十三条 煤炭矿务局是国有煤矿企业,具有独立法人资格。