- In western countries people have been using the instailment plan since the first half of the twentieth century. 20世纪上半叶以来,西方人一直用分期付款的方式买东西。
- The coal consumption has declined since the early years of the twentieth century. 自20世纪的早些年起,煤的消耗就下降。
- Since the twentieth century, the Labor Party and the Conservative Party have been taking turns on government. 自20世纪以来,逐渐形成了工党与保守党轮流执政的局面。
- A single currency zone had operated in the European states since the twentieth century. 从二十世纪开始欧洲国家就采用了通用货币。
- Plague has declined dramatically since the early part of the twentieth century, when outbreaks could cause tens of millions of deaths. 20世纪初期鼠疫爆发导致数以千万人丧生,自那时以来鼠疫戏剧性地减少。
- Since the twentieth century, it was enjoyed the name of "little Shanhai" because of its world-famous trade and industry. 二十世纪以来,更以工商业闻名于世,素有“小上海”之称。
- Since the 50s of the twentieth century, the artists of Guam Pinghu, Wu Jinglue, Yao Bingyan have done a lot in this field and have gained a lot of experience. 20世纪50年代以来,管平湖、吴景略、姚丙炎等前辈琴家在琴乐打谱方面进行了大量艰苦的工作,为琴乐打谱积累了丰富的经验。
- But the meaning of topophila and topophobia could have been derailed since the twentieth century as we continue to be overtaken by actual building without sufficient reflection. 二十世纪内这一深刻内涵仍未提上日程,由于我们一直忙于真实的建造,无暇反思。
- Since the 80th and 90th of the twentieth century, the ologies have tended to interweave with each other, which gives the study on asset price bubble a new chance. 资产价格泡沫一直是困扰经济学家的重要议题,自历史上有记载的最早的泡沫事件“郁金香狂热”以来,经济学家就致力于该问题的研究,但至今为止都没有形成统一的意见。
- We live in the twentieth century. 我们生活在二十世纪。
- Since the fifties of the twentieth century,Frances Yates,a notable historian in the West,made the study of Bruno which has been regarded as a classical work typical of anti-?Whig interpretation of history. 自20世纪50年代以来,西方科学史界耶兹的布鲁诺研究作为反辉格式研究传统的典型代表,成为诠释布鲁诺形象的一个经典。
- Since the nineties of the twentieth century, there is an animadversion on the existing system of textbook in and out the educational circles which has brought a nationwide discussion. 二十世纪九十年代以来,语文教育界内外对现有的语文教材提出了批判,并由此引起了一场全国范围内的大讨论。
- What do you know about the twentieth century? 有关二十世纪的事你知道些什么?
- The space age dawned in the twentieth century. 宇宙时代开始于20 世纪。
- The twentieth century is only the nineteenth speaking with a slightly American accent. 二十世纪只不过是稍微带着美国口音说话的十九世纪罢了。
- We are living at the end of the twentieth century. 我们生活在二十世纪末。
- We had two world wars in the twentieth century. 我们在二十世纪遭受了两次世界大战。
- Picasso was born a phenomenon of the twentieth century. 毕加索生来就是二十世纪的一位非凡人物。
- A History Of The World (In The Twentieth Century) Grenville J.A.S. 二十世纪世界史(上下)
- The greatest medical discoveryof the twentieth century. 盘尼西林大概是二十世纪医学上最伟大的发现。