- simulated produced fluids 模拟采出液
- During well testing in low permeability reservoir, the produced fluids could not flow out of the wellbore, and there occurred a slug flow at wellbore. 在低渗透油田的测试过程中,井筒中的流体常因流不出地表而在井筒中发生段塞式流动,使流动与恢复测试阶段的井筒压力均上升。
- A thermophilic bacterium of NA-3 was isolated from produced fluid in Shengli oilfield,and identified that it was a member of Bacillus sp. 从胜利油田产出液中分离得到一株嗜热菌NA-3,经鉴定为芽胞杆菌属。
- Bacteria A metabolizes non-water soluble polymer, decreases the water cut in the produced fluid in oil wells, and increases the single well production. 摘要A菌在储层中代谢非水溶性聚合物,能够降低油井产出液含水,提高单井产量。
- And a reserved producing fluid level (PFL) testing interface. 同时预留有动液面测试接口。
- Bacteria A metabolizes non-water soluble polymer, decreases the water cut in the produced fluid in oil wells,and increases the single well production. 菌在储层中代谢非水溶性聚合物,能够降低油井产出液含水,提高单井产量。
- As soon as we included gas, the simulations produced a rich variety of galactic morphologies. 一旦我们加入气体,模拟便产生了变化万端的星系型态。
- Hydrocyclone being tested and developed as a new type of high efficient de oiling device is on the stage of being gradually extended and applied to produced fluid treatment in oilfield. 水力旋流器作为一种新型高效脱油设备,在油井采出液的处理方面正处于试验研究与逐步推广应用阶段。
- During production practices, it is found some shaly sandstone reservoirs in Putaohua oilfield can absorb water and produce fluids. 生产实践中发现,葡萄花油田部分泥粉层具有吸水和产液能力。
- The influence law of the oil displacement agents on demulsification/dehydration of the simulative produced liquid during ASP flooding was studied. 研究了驱油剂对三元复合驱模拟采出液破乳脱水效果的影响规律,单一的碱、表面活性剂和聚合物对脱水率和水色有较大的影响;
- An animation shows the year-to-year variability of Arctic sea ice, based on simulations produced by the Community Climate System Model. (Animation Copyright UCAR. 最新研究推测:到2040年,由于北冰洋大部分在夏季将成为宽阔的水面,这比之前预计的提早了几十年,一部分原因是温室气体的排放导致全球变暖的结果。
- This made the mechanical recovery well having a misleading appearance of higher producing fluid level (PFL). 这种现象使机采井存在“动液面偏高假象”等问题。
- Heritage is the best means for copying pictures, the main vector for the paper, and all kinds of paper and silk damask.Museum was called "simulation produced. 是文物字画复制的最佳手段,主要载体为宣纸、绫绢及各类纸张,被博物馆称为“仿真制作”。
- The prostate, about the size of a walnut, is a gland below a man's bladder that produces fluid for semen. 只有核桃大小的前列腺是一个位于人体膀胱下面的腺体,它所制造出来的前列腺液是精液的重要成份。
- After because suffer an earthquake to shake strongly,Japanese rocksy thinks dock foundation is earthly, produce fluid shape to change, make dock sinks. 日本地质学家认为码头地基可能因为受地震强烈震动后,发生液状化,使码头下沉。
- produced fluid of polymer flooding 聚合物驱采出液
- Fluidity in the war and in our territory produces fluidity in all fields of construction in our base areas. 战争和领土的流动性,影响到根据地各种建设工作也发生流动性。
- The smooth motion characteristic of fluids. 流动液体具有特色的平稳移动性
- The man produced a revolver from his pocket. 那人从衣袋里掏出一支左轮手枪。
- In such a simulated environment, one would have an immersed sense. 人在这个仿真的环境中,有一种“身临其境”的感觉。